~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Dec 1, 2009

Guess What Time It Is??!!??

It's December!!!!!
It's the most wonderful time of the year...and the busiest for us.

The month of December is the month we decorate our home for the Holidays.
First we put up our tree and all our favorite ornaments and keepsakes.
Then the stockings get hung by the chimney with care.

It's the month we do lots of shopping and we try hard to find that
that one special gift for the ones we love the most.
We enjoy watching all our favorite holiday movies.
It's the month that we listen to Christmas music everyday...
We love Christmas music!!!!!!!
We always build a gingerbread house or two:)
This is one of Jacob's favorite things in December.
Along with homemade cookies & milk
and don't forget the egg nog for Mom:)

And yes we take too many pictures... if there really is such a thing.

On the calendar for this month...
We have Four birthdays!
My oldest turns another year older.
Wow! Where has the time gone?
Happy birthday sweet Anna.
It's also "Happy Birthday" to my Nanny & my dad too.
But the greatest birthday of all is the end of this month...
and it's that birthday that makes this month so very special.

We have one dentist appointment for Jacob and an orthodontist apt for Jon.

And Anna has an OB checkup to be sure lil Brookelyn is still doing good.
Can you believe she is already 31 weeks along????

We also received our yearly DFCS re-certification check list...two months early...grrr
So as you can imagine we've got tons to do before the end of the year. Normally we handle this in Feb,but the state is behind and that is why it has to be done this month...grrrr

Among the other things we have to do....

DFCS wants us to all have complete health screenings on the whole family this month.
We have to go and take a 4 hour class. Then take 5 more hours of classes online and
some how squeeze in another class somewhere this month....grrrr

as you can tell I'm not thrilled with DFCS deciding to pop this on us,not right here during the
busiest month of the year, but it will get done.

But we are looking forward to...
Our annual trip to have breakfast & pictures with
Santa and the foster family Christmas party.

We will be joining our friends for a trip
to Pettit creek Farms .
Along with three Christmas parties with family & friends.

And we are excited about this years Christmas play at our church.
My son will be playing the part of a shepherd.

Yes, we have tons to do and we are already counting down...

to Christmas!!!!
It's so exciting!
We are all excited about Santa's visit.
But the greatest thing about December is that it is
Jesus birthday!
Happy Birthday Jesus!
Thank you so much for all you've done for us.
You are the greatest gift of all!!!

Yes, you are the reason for this very special season!


  1. I love this time of the year! LOVE IT! All the crazy parts too! Have a great day!

  2. I love December! Me and Jesus get to celebrate our birthdays on the same month.

  3. WOW!!! What a fun blog. A lot to look at and read.
    Thanks for visiting.

  4. Wow! You are going to be pretty busy this month!!! I think December might be my favorite month...I LOVE Christmas!

  5. WOW! You have a lot going on this month! But it sounds like you are well on your way to the holiday spirit and the house looks grand! I hope you have a wonderful month and a fabulous Christmas!


  6. I like your pictures with your post. It reminds of the old learning to read books I had as a child where there would be a few words then a picture in place of a work, then more words. Brings back happy memories. Enjoy the spirit of the Christmas season.

  7. I really enjoyed reading this entry - yes you sound very busy but it sounds great. May the month go smoothly and bring you and your family much joy.


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