~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Oct 1, 2009

Thank you God!!!!

Thank you God!!!! You are just so good to us. You provide for us when we can't provide for ourselves. You are a Father that never neglects your children. You are a Father who understands what we can't understand. You hear our cries and you answer our prayers just when we need it. Thank you God!!!! I can't thank Him enough.
Once more, He provided for our needs...
My van quit on us tonight on the side of a dark dangerous road. It was hubby, me ,and Jacob we were coming back from Jacob's practice and the van just shut off. We managed to get the van off the road . We didn't have our cell phones to call for help because mine is messed up and Brent's was in his truck. So we had no choice, but for hubby to get out and knock on doors, in hopes of borrowing some one's phone to call for help. He went door to door,but no one would answer their doors. I could see him walking from the light of our flashers and I just went to praying. Within a couple of minutes, a vehicle came by and stopped up above us on the opposite side of the road. It had it's flashers on too. I thought, how strange that another car broke down in the same area...that wasn't the case. It had stopped up the road from us ,because where we were there was no safe place to stop. It was a lady from our church. I don't know her that well, but she recognized my van. She said she just knew that she needed to come back...so she did. I know it was God that turned her around. She said she never travels that road ,but tonight she decided to take that road home instead...I thank God that she did!!!!!! She brought us home and a friend of Brent's went and got our van off the road and brought it home too.
God amazes me. He always seems to show up just when this family needs him most. He is sooooooo good to us and always has been:) And tonight I just want to thank Him!!!!! Thank Him for sending us help and for getting us safely home. God is good!!! He's so good to me:)


  1. Yes, Amen Sister! God is so good to us and comes through every time!

  2. Mrs Sandy.. I just now saw your post on Kaitibelle's Avenue. Thank you for the follow, but more importantly your time and input! You have a beautiful webpage, blog and site. This is adorable! What a beautiful soul you have! I've shared you on K's Avenue :)

  3. Amen! God is awesome and our provider.

  4. The Lord continually amazes me. He is so good to us.
    I'm glad you guys are ok and that you didn't have to sit on the side of the road for very long.
    I hope your van can be fixed inexpensively.

  5. How awesome to be rescued!! God is so good!

  6. Sandy,

    Praise God that He answered your prayers and sent that lovely lady to help you out.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  7. What a blessing! God is amazing! So glad you all are okay!!

  8. Isn't it neat how He puts people in our way when we need them! I'm glad you guys made it home safely!


Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy

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