~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Oct 13, 2009

In Need Of Prayer

If you will, please take time to pray for the ones on this list and feel free to add your requests in the comments section below and I'll move it up to this list.

Also we would love to hear your praise report or testimony.
Galatians 6:2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
Let's pray together...
1.My Nanny
2.My lost family members and my family members
that are out of the Will of God.
3.Ashley's foot
4.Two Unspoken
5.A lady in my church with cancer.
6.A young man with family problems.
7.My friend's, friend's husband who just got diagnosed
with cancer yesterday.
8.The families that suffered loss in the floods here.
9.My oldest child "Samantha"
10.A friend of mine who is struggling financially to make ends meet.
11.My Mom's leg is still giving her trouble.
12.Amanda & Blake
13. The children & families in foster care.
14.Remember the men & woman serving our country in the service.
15.Remember our missionaries.
16.Baby Lily
17.Baby Dylan
18.SailorMoon and her family
20.Please pray for David
21.Janelle Smith
22.I received an email from a lady named Betty who
ask for prayer for her sister-in-law that is awaiting surgery
to remove a large mass from her liver.
23.My friend Kristy Quinn's) Mom
24. Dale Hudgins
25. My childhood best friend Stacy Burnette who has a brain tumor.
26.Tracy Crew
27.My friend Kat
28. I can Add Yours Here
Just leave a request in the comments section.
I will be happy to pray with you. Also, if you don't want to share your request
but need someone to pray with you or to talk with you, please email me at


  1. Sandy,

    Lifting these requests up in prayer today and I stand united with all your followers that these prayers need some answers and healing in so many.

    Please add Janelle Smith up in your prayers, she just found out she has breast cancer.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  2. I am praying with you.

    I have a praise. After going through a complicated miscarriage in July we are now expecting again. I am exactly eight weeks, with the baby due at the end of May. If we hadn't lost our baby we wouldn't have taken in the 2 overseas students we are looking after, and we wouldn't have this precious life growing inside of me. Praise the LORD, He knows what is His best for us so much more than we do ourselves.

  3. I have a prayer request. Please pray for my sister-in-law who is waiting for major surgery to remove an uncommonly large mass on her liver. we are praying that it will not be cancer & that they can save some of the liver. thanx in advance! I am so thankful that I came across this site. Thanks for being here! I will give updates when they become available.

  4. Please pray for my sister-in-law this week - her surgery to remove the mass from her liver is Fri. the20th of Nov. pray that there will be no cancer or at the very least that it will at least be localized to the mass. She is not feeling well at all at this point. Thank you!


Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy

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