Verse- James 1:21
Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.
Our way of thinking creates our attitude and character. Our attitude is influenced by different sources; all the things we see and hear on a daily basis, certainly have an impact. They are not always positive. It is vital that we continually seek God’s word, as our prime source for thinking, allowing His word to become so deeply rooted within our hearts it supercedes all else. All it takes is one small seed of anger, bitterness, envy or jealousy to eventually develop into a change of heart. It is God’s word applied to our daily challenges, which will revive and refresh our hearts and souls. We may not even be aware of our attitude changes until they manifest themselves and explode in the midst of our day. We have a choice to either confess and surrender our hearts to God, or we can continue to water the seeds of our sour attitudes, until they manifest into an ungrateful and bitter heart.
Banana Cream Pie
2 days ago
I'm with you. I need to constantly weed my garden, otherwise all the beautiful flowers will wither and die.