~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Jun 2, 2009

Do your children have outside toys????

If your children or grandchildren have outside toys, please take the time to check them before you send your children out to play. You need to check them *EVERYDAY*.
These are pictures my Son-In-Law's mom sent me today and it hit home ,because we have this same toy in our yard right now. I've always been good about checking the climbers & playhouses, but I"ve never given much thought to the riding toys.

Several times I've found black widows on the little tikes & step 2 climbers & playgrounds as well as our wooden gym set. So check them everyday. It is better to be safe then sorrry. Please take these pictures from my blog and add them to your blog...let's let as many people know as possible. Thanks, Sandy


I figured I'd add these too. These are the two most poisonous spiders in our area. I'm not sure I've ever seen a brown recluse, but I've killed tons of the black widows over the years.
Black Widow

Brown Recluse


  1. Oh, wow! That would freak me out something terrible!
    ~ Wendy

  2. Wow...unbelievable. It just goes to show the things we take for granted--like the fact that wild creatures are going to stay away just because those are children's toys.

  3. Wow!! I live in the country on 36 acers. We have snakes in our neck of the woods. Thank you for this post!!!I will check things more carfully now, too..Never would have hought about the toy..
    @wendy I agree it would have freaked me out...
    I hate snakes, but through the love for my children have learned to kill a few!

  4. Oh my goodness...I've got the willies now. I never check the riding toys for snacks..as we don't have any around..we do have critters..but nothing has ever got into the children's toys. Lucky we live in the city.

  5. I got bitten by a brown recluse spider when I was in college. You do not want to experience that, especially not a small child. We are moving soon and the house is next to 40 acres and a lake. I will now be vigilant about checking things.

  6. Oh my goodness! My jaw literally dropped when I saw the snake. That's really scary!

  7. Living in Florida, I am neurotic about checking the toys. Even a pair of shoes left on the porch can get a spider.

  8. Yikes!!!!!!!!! That is scary stuff!!!! Thanks for posting and reminding me of the importance of checking things out for my boys.

  9. That is one of my worst nightmares... We live in a very wooded area and have had to kill several copperhead snakes and lately the king snakes have really been out in force. What kind of snake is that??

  10. No way. I am totally freaked out now. Yikes. That could have been very bad.
    Thanks for the alert.

  11. Oh my gosh! That would be scary to see! Good reminder!
    Thanks for reading my blog!!!

  12. Wow! Thanks for the reminder. That's scary stuff!

  13. Oh, Sandi! I'm not good with creepy crawly things. I am so glad your mil sent you that alert. Thanks for passing it on. I will be sharing that with my daughter.

  14. Ok, this scares me. I live in the middle of the desert and obviously we have snakes, but I have been fortunate to never see one where it wasn't behind glass!

    You have a blog award waiting for you on my site!

  15. Oh. My. Gosh! I would never have thought to look for a snake. We have black widows in our area. I have even found one in my house which scared me really bad and was quick to kill it. We also have scorpions in our area. I've yet to come across one though. We just had a scary spider that looked like a mini tarancula.....heepie jeebies!
    Thanks for sharing and spreading the info!!

  16. We don't keep toys outside, but we have to be constantly alert in the warm weather even just walking through the yard because we have some of the world's most venomous snakes slithering through our yard, especially near our back door. Snakes don't scare me though... they produce a very healthy respect for caution in me though!! The spiders are what freak me out... I don't know how much you know about Australian spiders and snakes, but they are dangerous! Very dangerous! Thanks for the reminder to be aware!

  17. If I found something like this I would freak out. I'm going to show this to my SIL who has a six year old and lives near the woods.

  18. I would have died on the spot. Thanks for the good info.

  19. That is very scary. We don't have any poisonous creatures in Scotland of that kind but it makes you realise how easily the little things can be overlooked. Thank you. x

  20. oh yuck! Thanks for the reminder.

  21. Wow! I'll definately be checking Hunter's toys from now on!

  22. Oh my that is just crazy and VERY scary!

  23. Frightening. Absolutely frightening! Thanks for the warning. We've had two snakes in our yard in the last week. They aren't poisonous but I don't care!

    Stopping by from MBC and now following! :)


Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy

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