Ahhhh....what a wonderful weekend! Have you ever had a weekend that went so good that you just didn't want to see it end? If only we could save it for another day ,when things aren't going so well...now that would be nice. The weather was perfect and everyone seemed happy.
I let everything go around the house. I just managed to keep the dishes washed and the kids taken care of and that's pretty much it. I played ALLLLLLLLLL weekend with Jacob and Bailey. We ran all our errands on Friday evening ,so we could have the weekend off. On Saturday we went to the park, walked the trail, played on our own playground, and watched their kiddy movies:) They loved having this time and attention.
My house doesn't look so great tonight, but we had so much fun! I'll worry about catching up tomorrow.
This morning we went to church. My mom came to church this morning. She hasn't been in a loooong time and I am so happy she came. She even brought my dad with her which was a surprise and a blessing. I've never seen him attend a Sunday morning service. He has only came for Christmas plays, etc, but never a Sunday morning service. It's proof God still answers prayers. I hope they will come back next Sunday.
Today after church we came home and pretty much took it easy until it was time to pick up the foster kids from their overnight and to take Bailey home.
After that we grabbed a pizza farm pizza and now we are about to sit down to watch a movie as a family. It's been a really good weekend!
I hope your weekend was as good as mine:)
Spaghetti Salad
14 hours ago
That sounds like the perfect weekend!! I am so glad your mom and step-dad were able to attend service with you on Sunday too. What a blessing for you. I will pray with you that your step-dad will find the right path and that maybe Sunday was the beginning of his new journey to the Lord.