~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Feb 16, 2009

Another must see movie

If you are married and haven't seen this movie, please go rent it or buy it... It is a great movie for couples! Whether your marriage is hanging by a thread or healthy and strong,this is a movie that you must see. It will open your eyes...It did mine.

Then after you see the movie, buy this book and take the 40 day challenge:)

I bought this book for myself and also for my daughters for Valentine's Day. Anna can use it now, and the others can put it in their hope chests for when they are married.
However, I think my son-in-law was just as excited as my daughter:) They didn't realize that there was an actual book like the one in the movie....surprise!!!!!


  1. My husband and I really liked Fireproof. I definantly want to buy the DVD!

    I have the book Love Dare and look forward to finishing it.

  2. I totally agree and highly recommend both! I got the book and it has challenged me to work even harder at what I feel is a strong marriage anyway! We need to safeguard our marriages and that takes work and commitment and this book helps us to really work on that in a true biblical manner.

  3. Sounds like a very good movie! I have heard from others as well that it is worth watching. Hopefully my husband and I can find a couple hours and watch it!

  4. It was a VERY good movie. Both my hubby and I really enjoyed it. The first part of it really startled me though. I had no idea that couples really screamed at each other and treated each other like that. But the movie is one that I would like to add to our collection.

    OH, my! I had no clue there was a bok to go along with it. Mark and I were wondering what the rest of the challenges were. Thanks soo much. I will have to try and find it! :)

  5. You are so right! This is such a good movie! I have even done the Love Dare. It is so sweet to do with your honey. I am such a geek that I even bought it for a prize at the baby shower we had over the weekend!

  6. i loved the movie as well. and i actually bought the fireproof your marriage couple's kit. it is SO much fun. my husband and i have been working through it for the past five weeks. one session every week. we've learned and grown so much!


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