Have you ever had one of those days that you wake up and it is nice and calm and before the day is over ,the bottom falls out ,and you end up in a lake of chaos????? Well that was yesterday for me. Let me tell you about my day....
It started off pretty normal. Brent got up, I got up, Trin got up, Jon got up...and soooo on. At 10:30, I took Jon to the orthodontist. The roads were crazy and police were everywhere, so I drove a little slower and ended up 10 minutes late to his appointment...grrrr But ,they did see him:) After that, we were coming home, and as soon as I pulled out of the ortho office the GSP got behind me. They followed me all the way....every curve, every lane change, ever exit, all the way ...to almost my house....grrrr Of course, I drove just as I should and tried to do everything right, because I sure didn't want a ticket.
Well, as soon as I got home, I had about an hour to cram as much school in and to grab a quick lunch, before I had to leave again.
Brent pulled up in the middle of my mess with a little ray of sunshine "Bailey". He had went to get her. However, I had so much going on that I felt sad that I didn't have much time to spend with Bailey.
I had to be up at the school to check Trin out for a family visit at DFCS. So I did, However, I was late...grrrrr...boy it was one of those days. I didn't think they were gonna let me check him out ,because buses were already lined up ,and I had to park next door to the school and walk. Well, finally after forever, he gets to the office. He is dirty and his clothes had holes...this did not look like the kid that left my house that morning. I don't know how he got so dirty, and he couldn't remember how he got holes in his clothes...grrrr Well, after getting my not so happy face, he confessed to cutting holes in his brand new levis and shirt....grrrr
Well, I was totally embarrassed to take him into DFCS looking like that, but because it took so very long for him to get to the office, we had no choice ,but to go straight to the DFCS office.
Well, as soon as Trin got in my van and buckled up, he started screaming....at the top of his lungs. I said, "What is wrong with you?" He said his head hurt. Then he said his ear hurt...and on and on. He screamed all the way to the office approx 20 minutes. Well, we got there, and I went in and told the lady at the desk that we had arrived. However, we set 40 minutes(with Trin crying). Finally, a case worker walked out and I explained to her that he was sick and had just gotten that way in the last hour. Well, the family was late, and after the case worker questioned Trin, she told us to go ahead and leave...so we did. On my way out of the office, an older lady followed me out the door. She said,"Mam, are you not gonna take that child to the doctor?". Then she went on to tell me how dangerous fevers are and how he is in alot of pain and that she knows how he feels and he needed medical care now and that I should take him right now...and on and on and yes she was really rude. I said, Mam, this is my foster child and yes If he continues this way then I will be taking him to the doctor. No, I can't take him to urgent care because they don't see foster children, but if he needed it I would be taking him to the ER. She finally walked away and back in the dfcs office. I stopped off to buy some meds, etc for him and headed home. However, he never felt like he had a fever and he stopped crying.
When we got home, he jumped out of the van ,and was ready to play. He had faked his sickness...grrrrr . I was really aggravated ,because not only had I waisted my time (and time I could have spent with Bailey)and gas, but now I had to re- schedule for another day....grrrrr So I told him since he was so sick, he was not playing. Needless to say, he was not happy and neither was I. By the time I got in good, we had a house full of company and I do mean a house full. My neighbor came over and she made the comment that she thought our house was a zoo, but now she knows it is...lol So she joined in the chaos.
Well Brent decided he wanted to get out of the house. So we went to walmart to pick up a few things and then went to zorbas because the doctor said Brent could eat soft fish and he loves Zorba's fish. So we did that and then afterwards took Bay home.
We got home to find out that Our other neighbors house had caught on fire and the man had called to tell my son and my son-in-law to go down there to check on his wife,because he was not close to home and had got a call that his house was on fire. Well, everybody went down there to check on her, leaving our house empty, which is rare. Well, during all of this, Samantha had called 911 to tell them, but 911 thought it was prank, because of the name of our road. Luckily, all that had burned was around the stove and somehow the fire went out on it's on...God is good. What had happened was that our neighbor(she is young and just got married) had been cooking and had a grease fire. She didn't know not to throw water on a grease fire, and when she did it got huge and out of control.
Anyhow, after all that the kids came home. Katie went to the back of the house, while everybody else was in the front of the house. Katie heard a noise, and turned and saw what she said was someone running down our stairs. She panicked and went and alerted my son-in-law and he went down and looked and found our basement door standing open. So we believe someone had came in our home through our basement, probably during the time the kids had gone to our neighbors. Nothing was taken from our home thank goodness. However, this person must not know our family very well, because we do have guns, and my husband and son-in-law are not scared to use them. I think they may have came in ,but weren't expecting someone to come back so quickly ,and they were trying to get out .The kids didn't bother calling 911 again, because of the fact they had trouble earlier. However, I am going to call today and complain, because 911 failed to respond as they should have and this is not the first time. Our other neighbors house burned and 911 didn't respond right away, because they thought it was joke. What if someone would have been trapped in that house ?????
Yes, it was a crazy day for sure. But thank God, my kids are alright, my neighbors are alright and still have a home, and nothing was taken from our home.
However, We are taken action to make our home more safe and secure.
It was one crazy day for sure.
Spaghetti Salad
3 days ago
Wow- craziness! I am glad everyone is alright! It does make me curious about the name of you street, but I understand if you don't want to post it. And I agree with you. Some of the safest home are those insured by Smith & Weston or Winchester or some such company. ;o)
ReplyDeleteHope today goes better for you!