Well, we are back in full swing. It's always hard after we've had a break for a few days. It really hasn't felt like a break to me ,because of the kids being sick. I have cleaned this house from top to bottom trying to get rid of any germs that might be left from the kids being sick.
It's been hard having the two babies...one sick and one not use to being around us. The new baby will be going back to her old foster home today. She is precious ,but she doesn't nap and she doesn't sleep well at night which has been really hard, because I've already been getting up 2-3 times a night taking care of Bay, because she's been sick all weekend. Then to top it off...I have two puppies. I have the new puppy we got and he is a handful, but then Samantha brought over a puppy for me to puppy-sit and it pooped all over the porch and it has been the biggest mess. She was suppose to have gotten it last night ,but so far it is still here. I love babies and I love puppies ,but they are alot of work. I feel like all I've done for two days is clean up poop and change dirty diapers...yuck!
I hope it will get better as the week goes on. I've still got to finish up getting everything together for Anna's wedding. I hope to have it paid off by Thursady. I can't believe her wedding is Saturday ,after next. I still feel we are no where near ready yet. I'm sure it will all come together.
Well, I've got to go. I've gotta go meet the other foster mom with baby Nancy. I'll try to post again soon. Have a good day!
Spaghetti Salad
1 day ago
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