Yesterday, I went up to the green house and bought 10 bushes and 10 of the monkey grass to do my flower bed. So I come in and we wait until the sun starts going down to try to plant them. Brent he was also out in the yard working on something while I was planting. All of a sudden, we started hearing the most awful sound. We both just paused and listened for a second. Then we realized it was someone screaming and it was no screaming like I had ever heard before. So we both dropped our tools and took off running. The closer we go to the top of the road, we could hear someone screaming, "Help me! Please Help me!" As we got to the top of the road we saw two women. One a larger woman about 30 years old and another little woman about 50 years old. We realized it was the new neighbors and they were fighting. We just stood there not really knowing what to do and not really wanting to jump in the middle. They didn't even care and just kept going at it. The other neighbor came down the road about that time and he got out of his truck and just watched too...we are were just amazed at the sight. They were going at it right in the middle of the street. The larger woman ended up knocking the little women in a ditch and she couldn't get up. The little one was screaming call 911 and the larger one said ."No, she does this all the time". We walked on back down and just left them fighting, but after about 10 minutes Brent said, go ahead and call 911, and so we did. I have never seen anything like that before. Come to find out the little woman was the mother of the larger woman. I just couldn't believe anybody could do that to their mother or act that way infront of all your neighbors.
Well, we thought we had been blessed with nice neighbors that kept to themselves, but I guess they are like most of the others on this street ,that are always fighting. I know 911 must get so tired of visiting our street.
Anyhow, it was a sight to behold.
Spaghetti Salad
1 day ago
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