So what's new here? Nothing really. We've all been busy as always. I have been working daily trying to get this wedding together. It is hard work planning a wedding. It just seems unreal that my daughter is getting I really that old???? Yesterday, they went and registered for their shower, etc and they had the shower and wedding annoucement in the church paper. I guess, it was that moment that I realized this really is baby is getting married. So if you don't see me online that much over the next few weeks, it is because I'm knee high in ribbon, flowers, bows, and such.
On Friday, I was told my foster baby may be going home around Fall. I can't even imagine what that will be like. Actually we have court tomorrow, but I've decided that I am not going...I don't have to go. So be sure to keep us in your prayers, because it is gonna be so hard when she has to leaves us .
Also, on Friday, Me and the baby went to Nanny's to see Nanny and Mama. We stayed for a little while. Bay put a show on for them. She has learned to dance and to sweet. However, she is going through a stage where she is just wanting me. Normally she wants Brent over me, but not for the last few days...everything is mama...mama...mama. She can say, "mama", "da-da","bye",and "bay-bay". She still isn't crawling, but she is rolling all over the place. She is growing like a weed.
The other kids are just busy trying to get done with this school year. Jacob and Jon both have 4-wheelers now, and they stay pretty busy riding them all over the yard. The girls are just being
Well, that is it for now. I've got to get busy helping the kids with their school work. Have a great week!
Spaghetti Salad
11 hours ago
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