Sorry for my lack of updates. My sister-in-law reminded me last night that I have been to busy to update...she is right, I have been so busy...thanks Cori! So where do I begin????
First off ,my oldest is getting married...not next year like she first planned, but instead in June. So that gives me two months to plan a about busy. I've been spending time searching the net, calling on the phone, and planning...lots of that. We go this weekend to be fitted for dresses. It's for sure a lot of work to get married.
The last couple of weekends, I spent with my aunt Linda, trying to build a relationship that I've never had. I am so excited about it. I am a family person and I've always wanted to know my family. My great aunt passed and that was sad ,but it was also joyful because it gave me the chance to see my Daddy after 2 years, my uncles Randy and Sammy, and my aunt Linda...and also some of my cousins that I had never met. This has been my dream come true and seems almost unreal to believe. I just hope that I mean as much to them as they mean to me.
This week we've been on spring break, but spring break means I'm busier than ever. All the kids around come to my house to play and they have kept me on my toes. The kids have 4-wheelers and dirt bikes, and they have rode them around the top of our property til they have made trails. Now all the neighbors bring their 4-wheelers and dirt bikes down to join them. They have all been enjoying the better weather and the spring break week.
However, My little foster baby hasn't been feeling well and has wanted me to just set and hold her, so that is what I've been doing yesterday and today. I thonk it is the pollen that is bothering here.
Yesterday, I got brave and took Jacob and five of his friends to Monkey Joes. They were so good and had a great time.
As for next week, I'll be in school taking some classes, so it will be a busy week too.
Well, that is it. I've got to run and check on my baby. Have a great week!
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