Yay!!! The weekend is here .
Yesterday, we had the state come in for their monthly check and everything went well. I hate those things. It makes me feel like my life and home really aren't mine. I always worry that I might look over something and I try so hard to keep everything done and with a family this size, it is so hard. I feel like I spend 24/7 cleaning and fussing and I hate that about myself. I just want to be like my Mom and be able to be so neat, tidy, and organized like she was when I was a child, but I just can't seem to measure up to her.
Last night, me and the girls and cassie went out to eat and shopping. It turned out to be a fun night.
It's been a good weekend so far! Today, the weather was so beautiful here. We decided we would go to the park and walk the track and let Jacob and Jordan play on the playground. I'm not sure how far we walked ,but we walked for about 4 hours. My brother-n-law and sister-in-law surprised us and came and joined us and we had a good time just walking and talking. Although, I realize just how bad in shape I am. It's been awhile since I've walked that far. I'm tired tonight. But, it felt good.
All my girls went their own ways tonight and I ended up with a house full of boys. Jon has three friends over and they are wild tonight and driving me nuts. Me and Bailey are out numbered for the first time in a long time. Usually the girls out number the boys around here but not tonight. I just set here listening to the boys talk and it amazes me the things they talk about...it's gross...I wouldn't even want to share with you what these boys have been talking about. What is it about boys? They think the most gross things are cool. Maybe I'm just to girly.
Anyway, it's been a good day and a good weekend!
Hope things are just as good on your end.
Also, I want to tell you sorry if you have emailed me this week and I have not responded yet. I'm trying to sort through my emails right now. I have had a busy week.
Well, I gotta go and get Bailey ready for bed. Have a good night!
Spaghetti Salad
15 hours ago
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