I'm sorry I have been away for a while and haven't updated. I've been so busy with the kids, life, etc.
I've also been walking in the evenings, trying to get in better shape and trying to stay away from the computer...it is so addictive.
Here is the update on Ashley's poor toe... I took her back and it seemed she had been wearing the bandage to tight and it had caused the wound to seal, but not allow drainage. So she had a build up of flood in there. He popped it open and then it drained and is doing much better now.
The baby has been sick with a head cold. We have been trying to keep her away from sick people, but it seems everyone we know is sick with the tummy flu...grrr I hate that stuff and I hope none of my kids get it, but it is going around in the school close to us and mt little babysitting boy came down with it yesterday.
Over the weekend, we went and saw my Nanny. She was happy to see us. The baby set beside her on the couch and put her on a show. Nanny really enjoyed that. It was good seeing Nanny feeling good. She actually was cooking supper which is something she seldom feels like doing anymore...that was a blessing.
I spoke with our case worker last week about the baby and she says the baby may go home, but it won't be in April or June when we have our next court dates. However, I have a hard time trusting them ,because so often they say one thing and do something else. But while we have her we are just going to enjoy her. I've gotten close to the birth family and they said they would never take her away from us, I took that as ,we will always be able to be in her life. She has been such a joy and I have enjoyed everyday with her.
Then my oldest daughter, decided to pop news on me...she is moving her wedding up...grrr She had planned to marry next spring, but she has decided they want to go ahead with it. So I'm trying to plan in months, what most get years to do. I'm happy for her, but worried too...it's a mom thing.
Jacob has his state test today...if they don't forget us again. So keep him in your prayers.
Well, I have more to share, but I've got to go get the baby.
Have a great day!
Spaghetti Salad
12 hours ago
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