Happy New Year!
Last year, was way to busy. We had a lot going on here and it was filled with a lot of ups and downs but thankfully for the most part it was a good year for our family. I hope that 2024 will be even better,
Looking back on 2023...
Brad started his own business. This had always been a dream of his. We poured a lot of money and time into getting it started and lost it in a matter of minutes. Unfortunately, our shop burned in December and he lost all of his tools, machines, computers, and projects. It was a devastating loss for our family and one that will probably take us years to recover from (If ever). It's very disheartening and something I can't and won't ever understand. Life is just not fair sometimes.
As a family we took a lot of trips this past year. Mostly day trips but we did go on some longer adventures together and made some sweet memories. I hope that continues in 2024.
I tried to spend as much time as possible with my children and grandchildren. I love every single minute that I get with them. They are the joy of my life. They are what makes me happy. However, my heart hurts that I don't get to see Katie very much. It's actually been a year since I've seen them. Every time I've tried to go this year something came up on her end or mine. I hoped that they would move back to GA when Dylan finished up in the military but I've kinda lost hope in that. They are happy in NC and that's home to them now and for that I am happy. I want only the best for all of my children even if their plan is not what I envisioned. I'm selfish... I want ALL my kids here with me. I want my grandchildren growing up together and filling their lives with lots of sweet family memories...to me that's what gives life meaning. Yes, I'm selfish.
Last year, my goal was to get more active and involved in our new church. I love our new church and its members. We did get more active and involved and did our best to make all of the Sunday morning services and many of the Wednesday services too. They kids got involved with the youth group and really enjoyed that. Hopefully, this year we will make even more and we will continue to grow as a family in God's house and word.
This year was filled with sports. All four of my younger kids are in sports and most of the grands are as well. Yes, we are a busy family. I coached special needs softball again this year and that kept us all super busy. Zach plays basketball and is 3 games into this season and so far they are doing really well. He loves basketball. Ada does gymnastics and competition cheer and is about to start her first year playing basketball. Layla also did competition cheer with Ada. Both Layla and Blaze played spring and fall softball. Both also played kickball, and soccer this year for the first time, and both are about to start basketball. 2023 was my last year coaching (or at least I'm taking a break). I'm not sure I'm going to agree to as many sports this new year as it really has consumed a lot of our spare time.
Our Blaze is going through the same study he went through in 2019 to see if he is a candidate for epilepsy surgery. We have made several trips and spent many weeks in the hospital for them to study him. His case was finally completed and presented on Dec 21. We are waiting now for CHOA and Emory to make their decision. I just pray that they make the best decision for Blaze and his future. Although I'm scared for him to have brain surgery, I am just s scared if they don't do anything they he will just get worse. He has seizures almost every day now and most of them are at night when he sleeps (we learned through this study). Please keep him in your prayers.
Zach turned the big 13 in August! He is finishing up his last year of middle school... that's so hard to believe. My sweet little buddy is turning into a little man. He loves playing basketball and is doing so good. He loves playing on his xbox and hanging out with friends. He is a sweet kid and a big time mama's boy. He has me wrapped around his finger.
Blaze got a new interpret 1:1 this year and he is doing really good. He has missed a lot of school due to the medical stuff but otherwise he has really been doing well. He loves going to school and seeing his friends. His classroom is self contained so most of his friends are on about the same level and most of them he has been with since preK. Next year school year, he will move to middle school. I'm nervous but excited. I'm ready to get out of the school that he is in. I haven't been happy with their special needs program in the last few years. I've already been over to the middle school and met the teacher and saw the classroom and it seems like a much better fit. I almost kept Blaze home this year because I wasn't happy at all last year and if next year I'm not fully happy, I'm just going to pull him out and let him finish schooling at home. I'm just praying it will be better.
Ada is my mini me. She could run this house all by herself. She has a leader personality but is so so sweet. She is friendly, happy, and very out going. Everybody loves Ada no matter where we go. She is like Brent, she never meets a stranger. She is also a snuggle bug and loves her mama. She is usually right up under me anytime that we are home. She loves singing, dancing, skating, playing dress up, taking pictures (like me), her baby dolls, and being outside on her bike. She grew her own little garden over the summer and really enjoyed that. She has a little green thumb. I absolutely adore her. I could name every positive thing and they would all fit her.
Sweet Layla, she is my baby. She just turned 9 on Dec 21st. She is my very quiet easy going child that you never know is around. She acts like the oldest of the kids but actually she is the baby. She is a lot like Brad in her personality. She can play all by herself, all day long, and be content. She loves drawing and coloring and that's how she spends most of her time. She has done so amazing in school this year. Since she got her glasses and started ADD meds she has really improved in school. Everybody at school just always tell me how sweet her and Ada are and it just makes me so proud. Layla did start back having seizures this year but hers are controlled by meds. She had a moment where she seemed to just go blank and wasn't responding when we were on vacation in June. It concerned me so I took her to see a neuro and they done an EEG and it showed activity in the same area it did when she was a baby as well as new seizure activity in her frontal lobes. However, since starting meds we haven't noticed any other episodes. Other than that, everything is good with the baby. She is just the best kid any parent could ever hope for.
All the grown kids are doing great! They are all busy with their own lives and family. I don't get to see them that often because of all the busy schedules but when we are together, I sure do enjoy it.
And the grandbabies are the BEST! Every single one of them. They are all so precious to me. I love my babies!
Ruby and Max the dogs are doing good too. They are double trouble but for sure the best and most aggravating dogs ever...lol They complete our chaotic family.
That's all I have time for right now. I'll try to add to this post later...
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