~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Mar 23, 2020

A day in our life during quarantine 2020...

Our days are so different now. It some ways it's so much easier but in other ways its not. Life before covid-19 meant we had to be up by 6 AM. Got ready for school. Left home by 7:30. School started at 8. A day full of school and work. Then back to the school to grab the kids at 2 and then off to private therapy for Blaze and Layla. Therapy started at 3 and would usually be ended by 6 (broke up between kids) and then usually we would get home around 6:45. Dinner, baths, homework, etc Bedtime here is 8:30. That was pretty much our life Mon-Fri. So much of our time was spent on the go. Not much of a life it felt like most days. 

Now we are usually up by 8 AM. We usually start school right away so that we have our afternoons and evenings free. Each kid takes turns on the computer to meet with their teachers or classmates daily. We have a designated time to sign in for each. We also continued some of our therapies only we do them virtually now. It's definitely different. I don't really enjoy the virtual schooling part at all. I'd much rather do the old school way of homeschooling (books, paper, pencils). If we can't go back in the fall then I'm going to to register to homeschool them my way. Although. I pray that things will be better and this virus stuff all behind us. 

 I have enjoyed being able to be home with these sweet babies (although I miss my older babies and my grands). I've loved having calmer days, not rushing around, no place that we have to be, etc. I've enjoyed cooking and setting down together and of course praying together at each meal. I've enjoyed seeing my kids playing together and learning new things together each day. I've also loved being able to control my days (except for the school and therapy part). It's really been nice. Our life was such a rush before and honestly it felt like I could never get nothing done or caught up but now I can and I'm loving it.

learning and growing together

Virtual art time

Virtual schooling

Miss Ruby

Virtual PE

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

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