Today is her day! Happy birthday my Tiny girl! This little girl has brought so much joy in my life. She is everything that you would want in a daughter. She has a tender heart, a huge personality, she loves everybody, never meets a stranger, always singing, loves dancing, 100% a girly girl, NEVER stops talking, and is happy 99% of the time. She always wants to be where ever I am and I love that! She's my little sidekick for sure! She has been such a blessing and I can only imagine the things that she will do in her life! She truly is my gift from God! 🎁💝 Birthday questions for Ada Grace and her answers. <3 What's your name? Tiny How old are you? 4 but tomorrow I'll be 5. What's your favorite color? Pink What's your favorite food? Chicken and rice Favorite drink? Sprite Favorite candy? Sour stuff Favorite ice cream? Strawberry Favorite place to go? Walmart Favorite song? ABC's Best friend? Mrs. Amber Favorite show? Masha and the bear Favorite book? my preschool workbook Favorite place to go on vacation? To Anna's house. Favorite toy? My baby alive doll What do you love the most? Unicorns What is one thing that you don't like? Nothing. I like everything. What makes you happy? Aniston
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Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy
One Day At A Time ...that is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.
My Life Quote...
"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of leave the world a better know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." ~Ralph Emerson
Our Home...
Our Home is filled with toys, has fingerprints on everything and is never quiet. My hair is usually a mess and I'm often tired, but there is always love and laughter here. In a few years the kids won't remember the house or my hair, but they will remember the times we've spent together and the love we have shared. Children only get one childhood, let's make it a great one.
Our Family Favorites
Something About Me...
Since you took the time to stop by, I thought that I'd tell you a little about myself. My name is Sandy. I started this blog on 08/01/2007. I am just a sinner saved by the grace of God. I love the Lord with all of my heart. He has been the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm a Christian, multitasking, book reading, picture taking, flower gardening, child loving, blogging and journaling kind of girl.
I was blessed to be married to my high school sweetheart Brent. However, the love of my life passed away in 2019. God blessed us with 30 beautiful years together, and 10 amazing kids. I'm also the MeMe of several little sweet peas and I was blessed to be the foster mom of 35 children. God has been good in my life. Because He died for me, I'm trying my best to live for HIM.
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Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy