~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Jun 21, 2016

Welcome Summer Time!

Summer has arrived! Although I don't really like the hot GA weather, I still love summer! I love having the kids home from school. I enjoy being able to take day trips, vacations, sleep in a little later, flowers, swimming...I could keep going. We made a summer fun bucket list and we've been checking off ideas one by one. Yes, I'm a summer girl. My kids love summer too!

So what's new in our world? 
Corey and Anna took a trip to the beach.
Lee and Samantha also took a trip and just got back from the beach.
Carter celebrated his birthday.
Waylan is about to turn #2!
We haven't taken a real vacation yet, but we have taken several day trips.
Ashley went back to school for her new job!
Ashley is busy wedding planning:)
Katie started school for her new job!
Court was canceled on our foster baby girl until August...grrrr No, we do not plan to adopt her. I hate how they are dragging this case out. It is going to make it even harder on her and us when it is time to say goodbye.
Blaze is having genetic testing done this week. It's been a long time coming.
Blaze's autism doctor sent him to see an allergist for his GI  and feeding issues. He was tested and it came back with tree nut allergies. Now they want him to come back in within the next few days for more testing of other foods. We now carry an EpiPen along with a diastat pen....grrrr As if we needed more to worry about. I had no idea. Blaze doesn't eat very many foods mostly baby foods so I have never thought about allergies with him. I honestly thought the apt was just a waste of time, but I took him on in and I'm glad I did.
Ada Grace is also going for allergy testing next week due to her birth mom and siblings having so many allergies. 
Blaze has a new deaf teacher/ mentor that comes to work with him on Tuesdays in our home. She has taught us both so much.
Blaze completed the autism outreach program which freed up our Tuesdays!
We have heard nothing new on Z's case. We are just waiting it out. Mom was TPRd and now they have to TPR the named dad. After that, we will start the adoption process. It's been a very long time coming. Z will complete our family. No more adoptions for us. Our family is complete from A to Z (Anna to Zachary)! We are keeping his first name, but he has chosen a new middle name for himself. I'll share it later. :)
Well that is all I have time for right now.
Happy Summer! I hope it is a good one!

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