~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Feb 25, 2015

IEP Survivor here...

I did it! I survived!  For 6 months we have been back and forth discussing my little superhero.

I remember the day that she walked in my house. Our BCW Special needs service coordinator. I can still hear her words ringing in my head. "It's Time" Do what??? Are you serious? He's only 2 years old. You are kidding me right?!?! School?? He's just a baby. Click here to rewind back to THAT day. Yes, I had done this just last year with my foster daughter, but this is different. This is my baby. Within a few days I was setting at the county BOE discussing him. Yes, him. That little boy up there in that picture. My heart was racing , my knees were knocking, and my fingers were popping. I'm not kidding. Who would have ever thought it would be this hard to send a superhero off to preschool? Not this mama.  I have decided this has been one of the hardest things thus far.

After numerous sleepless night, visits to preschools near and far, and even more evaluations and meetings, the BIG DAY arrived. It was Monday. I never did like Mondays much. We all crowded in and set in chairs lined up in a perfect moon shaped style, facing a big bright white board. Up in the corner it said *HIS* name. The name I had given him just a little over a year ago when he became mine. I'm not sure what I looked like. I imagine a deer in headlights or something along those lines. My BCW lady looked over at me and asked, "Are you ready for this?" What do you think? No. Not at all. She said, "I can tell by your face". Blaze's PINES teacher looked at me and said, "Are you alright?" Sure, I'm fine. I'm good. Blaze's new friend / advocate drove 2.5 hours from GSAP to set along beside us. She just kept smiling at me, because she knew. We had spent almost every day since we first met talking on the phone, discussing, and preparing for this very moment and it had arrived.

I set while the local prek teacher read off my rights and may I say it went on forever it seemed. Then the discussions began. I had my team "Team #1 Blaze". They had their team, "What We Think is Best for Blaze " We will call them Team #2. Then came team #3. Then, "We know more about kids like Blaze". That team conferenced in from afar (3 more opinions). The room was filled with women and lots of different opinions. Some were teachers, many therapists, principals, and some of the people who have worked with Blaze through the years and then his mom "me". I set and listened as they discussed my little boy. I set as they read over all of their testing results (pretty much everything I already knew), then we went through his medical stuff, and then we all discussed his needs, our hopes for him, and our concerns.  I set as each team went through and shared what they thought was best or not best. What they could offer or not offer.

After 4 hours and 48 minutes, yes, 4 hours and 48 minutes, the decision was made. My son will go to the deaf preschool of my choice and my county will have to help me with that. I was told early on that they would only help if I agreed for Blaze to go to the Atlanta school, but that is a long ways for me. Both schools are far from me, but the Atlanta one is double the distance...almost 2 hours in good traffic. I stood firm from the beginning that he was NOT going to Atlanta. I went in knowing that they may not help me out and that I would have to make a decision or just give in. I had been open to any ideas (see I wasn't all stubborn) but NOT Atlanta. I had visited and tried to learn about all of the available preschools around our area, but none of them could ever prove that they could meet all of Blaze's needs. Each had something good and I'm sure each teacher would have done their best, but was it enough?  It was suggested that I could just let him experience the preschool setting here in a regular special needs classroom by our house (which would have been nice) and then at school age move him to a school that can better meet his needs.  My concern was that with him already having so many struggles and delays that the gap would only grow bigger by grade K or 1.

As much as I hate the long bus ride for him and his very long school day, I truly believe this is what is best for him. I was just thankful that after all of the back and forth, team 2 finally agreed with me. Sometimes moms do know best. Team 3 scored! Team 3 will be Blaze's team from this point forward.

I'm glad that is behind us. It has been a long 6 months, but it's over. Now the next chapter starts for my little man.  Preschool here he comes. Get ready! This super kid is going to fly high!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

1 comment:

  1. Sandy,

    SO glad you are putting your son first, and knowing what he needs will only benefit him in the long run. It's one of those true traits of a great parent.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat


Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy

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