Just stopping by with an update. This post is really for myself. Instead of keeping a paper diary, I use blogger. Sometimes I may post things (probably most of the time) that are totally meaningless to the ones who read my blog, but I post to remember the little things that matter to me (even the small silly details).
So what' new???
Nothing real big to share. These last few weeks have been tough for me. I've had a whole lot on my plate. I've had to remind myself that, I"M NOT WONDER WOMAN AND I NEVER WILL BE. Sometimes, (actually most of the time) I have way more on my plate than I should have. I've been praying about it. Just keep me in your prayers.
I took a day last week and took my mom out to lunch. We seldom ever get mother/daughter time. It was her birthday, so I got a babysitter, and took the day off from everything. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch at Red Lobster. It's one of our favorite places to go together. I really enjoyed it and I think my mom did too:)
We are getting ready for a trip with my parents. We've planned a mini vacation. A much needed vacation. A little time away from appointments, schedules, phones, computers, etc. I hope we will return fully rejuvenated and ready to take on what comes next.
We are getting ready for our new HOMEschool year to start. We start back on August 1st. We aren't required to start back until September, but we are. Jacob has to miss so many days during the year due to all of Blaze's medical appointments, so we start back a month early to allow for missed days. He is not excited. I'm really not excited either. I hate to see summer end. I feel like we haven't had one due to having so much to do. I still have a ton of things I'd like to do with the kids, but it may just have to wait. Life has a way of changing our plans.
I mentioned before that we had planned to adopt our little foster son JK. Well, we are not. Instead, my daughter Anna and her hubby Corey are going to be adopting him. Ever since Anna was little she always said she would adopt her children. So I was a little surprised when she decided to have kids. Then when she brought up adoptions again a few weeks ago, I was even more surprised. Well, here I am with a little boy about to go up for adoption and he's around her kid's ages. He is (14 months old). It just made sense. They adore JK (Justin) and he LOVES them, like he loves us. It really doesn't matter to me if he is my child or grandchild. Tomorrow Corey & Anna will be meeting with DFCS. They've already started the paper process but they have to take parenting classes and do a homestudy. Keep them in your prayers.
We got moved to adoptions on JK last week. We got a new caseworker. She seems really good at what she does. She will be with us (and Corey & Anna) through the rest of the process. I'm glad of that because we've changed hands 6 times since JK came to us....which can be frustrating. Birth mom has surrendered all of her rights, but birth dad hasn't. He is complicating the process. He won't do anything to get JK back, but yet he won't surrender. So now we have to go to a full TPR trial in Sept. We had planned to join friends for a trip to Florida that week, but we can't, because now we have to go to court instead....grrrr
As for our foster baby girl. She is not so tiny anymore. She is growing like a little weed. She is finally getting little rolls on her legs and her little cheeks are getting chunky. She is PRECIOUS! I am having a blast playing dress-up with her. I love that her closet and drawers are full of adorable "PINK" girly stuff. and I bet she has at least 100 bows and headbands. She's like a little baby doll. We call her the PRINCESS. It's amazing how one tiny little girl can take over the house. I haven't had an infant foster girl since Bailey. So I'm really enjoying her.
Our Blazer. What can I say about him??? He is MY HEART, but you already knew that. He just keeps on keeping on. He never gives up. He is one strong kid. He manages to overcome everything tossed at him. He is nothing short of AMAZING! My hubby was talking to my parents yesterday about Blaze. He said, he had been around a lot of kids but he had never ever met a child like Blaze. He is by far one of the most unique kids I've ever met myself. We just set and stare at him. He is so unique that's for sure. He keeps me on my toes. I can't take my eyes off of him for more than a second.. He is into everything. He is curious. He is smart. He is busy. He is fascinated with how things work and how things go together and come apart. He loves nature, especially animals and the sky. I don't know what he is going to grow up to be, but I know it will be awesome whatever it is. I think somewhere in his birth family there is a little Houdini blood. The kid is an escape artist. He can't walk, but he sure can climb. He can get out of his highchair, crib, carseat, stroller, etc. Honestly, If there was a tree that could reach the moon, he would climb it and be swinging by his toes. Did I mention he uses his feet like hands? He can pick up things with his toes. I'm not kidding. We had to get alarms put on all of our doors and bolt locks at the top, because he tries to get out. Our fear is that if he did get out, we couldn't call him (He can't hear) or catch him (He crawls fast) and he has NO fears at all (which means I have to save him all the time). I've even ordered him an alarm bracelet and I'm waiting on it to come in. It can't get here fast enough. It will alarm if he gets more than 150 feet from me. I've been told ASD kids wander. I'm not sure if that's it or if it's just his age, but, if he ever got out, he would be gone. My daddy and I talked about it yesterday and he mentioned an ID bracelet. I may have to order one for him and have all of his info on it. It scares me so bad..
Our Blazer is going to be a model :) Mrs Tammy at CMS (a special needs program that works to make sure all special needs kids get everything they need) contacted me last week. She wants Blaze to be on the cover of their brochures. It will give us a chance to share Blaze's story and raise more awareness of CMV as well as his other diagnoses and help them to share what CMS does for kids. We are honored. They are coming to his therapy farm on Wednesday to do a photo shoot of our little guy.
Goodbye gate trainer. Hello walker! Blaze got a new loaner walker to try out while we wait on them to make his. Hopefully it won't take that long. He needs a little work and time to learn to work this one. It has much less support than the gate trainer, but that was kinda the whole idea. This is one step closer to walking by himself.
Well, that's about it for today. Have a good week!
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6
Banana Cream Pie
3 days ago
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