~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

May 24, 2014

A few pics from the week...

Just a few pics from our week...

Sweet Aniston

Our Blazer

Brookelyn holding 'Tiny"
our foster daughter.
No face pics allowed of Tiny.

Playing together.
Brookelyn, Blaze, and JK (our foster son).
No face pics allowed at this time of JK.
But guess what???
It won't be much longer!!!!!!!!
We got our court dates for JK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you tell I'm excited!?!?!?
We go to court on Sept 22.
After that, I'll probably flood my blog
with so many back  pictures of him 
that it will lock it up...lol

All smiles

I often get asked why my child has spots.
So I'll explain.
When Blaze was born he was very sick.
He had trouble with his platelets and we suspect
that this is what caused the spots.
They are called hemangiomas.
No, they are not contagious.
They will eventually go away.

A pool party in the backyard:)

My water baby.

He thinks he's a fish.

Look who is walking now!!!
JK is on the go....

Taking Bubba on a ride.

A friend sent me this adorable graphic.
This week is deaf awareness week.
It was too cute not to share. 
I hang it in honor of my precious little boy Blaze.
I love my little boy.

 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

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