~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Mar 25, 2014

It wasn't what we hoped for...

It wasn't what we hoped for
but it's OK.
Really it is.

This month all of Blaze's specialty doctor appointments started over. They usually do every 3 months. So once again we have been back and forth to Atlanta. 

We met with his ped on the 6th and overall she was pleased with how well Blaze is doing.

We met with Emory Eye Center on the 10th to have Blaze's eyes reevaluated and this time it came back that Blaze has two eye conditions. I had already been suspecting one, but the doctor never saw it until this time, so his eyes have actually gotten worse. So now our little guy will have to get glasses. These conditions (just like everything else) was probably caused by CMV. 

On the 24th, I took Blaze back to Emory Children's center to meet with Dr Todd. Once again I got the same answer, "NO". At first I thought that maybe he had changed his mind, because he came right in and asked me, "Do you want your child to be a hearing & speaking child?" I wanted to scream out, "Don't all parents want their children to hear and speak?" What kind of question is that????? Instead, I kindly replied, "Yes, I would love for him to be able to hear and speak,". So he reevaluated him, done more testing, and looked over two years worth of notes from our audiologist and after four very long hours we got a verdict. It is official and final. Our son IS NOT A CANDIDATE FOR COCHLEAR EAR IMPLANTS nor will he ever be. It is just to risky a surgery for him and he said CIs would only give him muffled sounds and nothing that he would be able to truly understand. And guess what???? I'm OK with that. He asked me how I felt and I told him that I really am OK with it. I have fully accepted my precious little boy just the way that God created him. However, I will NEVER stop trying to improve his life and the world around him. But, I will NEVER risk his life when it's not necessary...ever. 
I entered his office expecting a "NO", really I did, because he had said that before, but that was when Blaze was so tiny and sick and now he is over all a healthy little boy and I thought maybe he would re-consider.

On the 25th, today, we made the trip back to Atlanta to meet with our pediatric neurologist. Over all she too was pleased with how well Blaze is doing. She and I discussed in great length CMV and possible cerebral palsy. She has decided that she wants to do an MRI and look at Blaze's brain again.  It has been over a year since they looked at his brain and she is interested in what it might show now that he is older. Maybe it will help us to understand why Blaze is not walking (after months and months of therapy) and our GI seems to think that his brain (The damage from CMV) may have something to do with his eating/swallowing/digesting problems. So he will go back to Children's in a couple of weeks for an MRI.

We have one more specialist to see this month and then we should get a break for a little while.

Other than that, our little guy has been VERY  busy with therapy, therapy, and more therapy, and he has had several sign language classes.

Well, that's my Blazer update for today. I'm going to go cuddle up beside my little guy on the couch and take a nap. I'm one tired mom.

 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

Mar 22, 2014

73 and Saturday...

It has been such a beautiful day!
 I love days just like this.

Best friends for sure:)

She loves this kid!

She is never far from Blaze's side, if he is outside.
She is the sweetest dog EVER!

Little dirty feet & hands.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

Mar 20, 2014

Just more pictures...

Just a few pictures of
 my St. Patty's Day Punkins:)

This is how I spent St Patty's Day!
Am I lucky or what?!?!?
We call it BLESSED!

My sweet baby girls.

The movie "Frozen" finally arrived this week,
 after we've waited on the pre-order list forever.
Brookelyn has turned into
 the snow queen (as you can tell by her blanket cape...lol)
She has really enjoyed that movie.
And that song. You know the one that I'm talking about.
Yep, "Let It Go" it's stuck
in my head...lol

My Blaze

He is doing amazing!!!
They have finally found him the perfect
speech therapist.
She is the first one we've had
that is fluent in ASL...yay!!!!
Plus, she is going to be able to work
with him on the farm,
where we have been taking
 him for therapy.
We are really excited!!
We liked our new therapist, but we are
happy that she realized that she is not the best
match for our little guy,
so she passed us to the new one.
This will be his fourth ST.

That smile.
That one there.
That's the one that stole my heart.
I hope he is always this full of joy.

I could just eat those chubby cheeks up.
She's three months old and
12 pounds of pure adorable-ness.

I know all of my updates lately have been short,
 but my pictures have been sweet:)
I am one busy lady lately and
we've had a ton going on this month.
I'll tell you more about it...if I find some extra time.
I've gotta run. We have classes tonight:)

I hope you all have enjoyed the first day of spring.
It's a wee bit chilly here in GA,
but the skies sure are beautiful today.
I love days like this!

 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

Mar 13, 2014

The Baby...

Just had to share some new pics
 of our sweet baby *grand* girl
Little Miss Aniston.

She is the little baby with the BIG personality.
Her facial expressions crack me up.
She already tries to talk back.
She's going to have a sassy personality (I think).

She has a great big sister named
Brookelyn that absolutely ADORES her.

She's for sure going to be a MeMe's girl too!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

Mar 11, 2014

Last weekend...

Last weekend, we had planned a trip to the Georgia
Aquarium but due to it being
 Princess & Pirate free kids day, it was just
way to crowded and the lines went on forever. 
we decided to visit The Children's Museum Of Atlanta.
It was a pretty neat place for tots.
 Blaze, Carter, Kaylan, and or foster JK
really seemed to enjoy it. 

 We will visit the aquarium another day.

We also took the punkins to 
Chuck E Cheese's.

Both Kaylan & Blaze tried cotton candy for the 1st time.
Kaylan LOVED it!!!
Blaze wasn't to sure if he liked it or not
but he did lick it several times and that was a huge
thing for a kid who cann't hardly tolerate anything.

It was a great weekend!!!

 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

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