Recently, I was reading one of my favorite blogger's post. She posted a "Nobody Cares" post that really spoke to me. It made me think and question why I even blog and share the things I do. I know that most likely nobody really cares about the things I share. After all, I'm not a good writer. I'm lucky if I even use the right there, their, or they're. Just being honest here. I may not type perfect or use the best words. Trust me I realize that. I stink at english. You won't find fancy writing here. I'm just a simple minded person. A women of few words some may say. I'm the least among you in the blog world. When someone visits my blog and actually comes back to visit again, I'm always amazed. I often wonder why. Seriously I do.
So why do I bother?
When Nobody really Cares.
Nobody cares what I did today except for maybe my hubby and kids (But they seldom read my blog so it doesn't really matter).
Nobody cares if I'm having a good day or if things are not so great. If I'm feeling tired, overly happy, or even sad. If it's sunny here or pouring down rain. If I've been up all night with a teething baby or read the same bedtime story three times in a row. Nobody cares if my kid had a meltdown in the middle of the store, that I misplaced my keys, and that it caused me to be late for my appointment. Nobody cares that the lady in front of me at walmart irritated me or about what I cooked or ate today (or even the picture of my plate that I posted). Nobody cares what song I listened to on youtube or what my new favorite movie is this week. Nobody cares that my kid only eats one food at a time (and that it has to be the white stuff first, then the greens, and then the orange) or how he threw it in the floor instead of eating it at all. No one cares how we celebrated a birthday, or that my favorite team won this week. Nobody cares that my kid pooped in the potty today, is now in the 50th percentile, made perfect A's on their report card, learned to ride a bike, wrote their abc's for the first time, or that we had an awesome play date with our neighbors. Nobody cares where we spent our day today, where we got their cute shirts, about our favorite new store, or about that cool new gadget we recently bought. Nobody really cares about all that stuff or maybe they do.
So why blog about it?
I blog for me. I write for me. It's my get away when I have some free "me" time. I read my own blog. I go back through different posts to remind myself where I was and where I am in hopes that I've grown, learned, matured. I really just blog for myself and for no other reason, but If by chance someone stumbles upon my blog and stays long enough to read my boring stuff and actually enjoys it, then that's great. Maybe somehow something I say or do will mean something to someone along the way and that would make me happy, but if not then that's alright too.
I blog because I like to blog. This in my blog and I write about my life as it happens and about the things and people that matter the most to me.
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6
Spaghetti Salad
14 hours ago
I have felt the same way. And I too, write my blog for me. I enjoy the time I spend reflecting on my day and of course I love the quiet.
ReplyDeleteAs one who has read your blog for quite awhile, I will say that, "I care." I enjoy your posts, and I love seeing the pictures of all the babies growing so much.
I love that you are a mom to many by choice! Not many have the heart to truly love another's birth child they way you do. (my mom did foster care for years)
Like you said, it doesn't matter who reads our blogs. We write for us, and that is important. To do for us, to give us something to look back on and see.
I thanks you for sharing yourself and your family with us all.