Here is the latest from Howellville...
Nothing much to share. Actually, this month is going pretty smoothly, so far. So what's to share? hmmm...
This is our birthday month. We have tons of birthdays to celebrate. The twins celebrated on the 4th, my lil man Jacob will be turning the BIG 12 on the 13th, our Bailey will be turning 6 on the 16th, and never to be forgotten little Z will turn 3 the last day of this month. Wow! My babies are growing up FAST!
School started back for Jacob on Monday. He wasn't that thrilled, but I'm kinda ready for more organized days.
Also, Jacob went for his dental checkup today and had no cavities!!!! Yay!!!!!!! Now that makes for one proud!
So let me update on the kids...
Samantha and little Carter came and spent the night with us the other night. I enjoyed having them. Joshua thinks Carter is the funniest kid ever, so he sure enjoyed their visit. We don't see them nearly enough, so when they are here we enjoy it.
Anna is doing great! She still isn't showing much. She is about to be 19 weeks and you can feel the baby when it kicks now. MeMe got to feel it for the very first time on Sunday. It was tooooo sweet. We are going to have another sweet baby to love.
Corey started his new job and seems to be loving it!
Katie has been sooooo busy with her new photography. She has been slammed with weddings, family pics, and baby pics, but that's a good thing. She enjoys taking pictures just like her mom:)
Dylan is just Dylan. He works all the time and works hard. He is a great husband and a great daddy. My girls are very blessed with their husbands.
Ashley, well she's doing pretty good. She's not really liking her job these days. She is tossing between finding a new job or going back to school to do something she really likes. She's my kid that seems to catch it from all sides and it seems she can't get ahead for all the stumbling blocks. Add her to your prayers. She seems to be my kid that needs it the most.
Jon, well he works all the time. If he's not working he's with Grace. They are the sweetest little couple ever. I hope that she is the one for my son. She is everything and more of what I hoped for him. She is a good Christian young lady and she is so much like my girls that it's amazing. She fits right in our family. We love Miss Grace!
I already mentioned my Jacob. He's awesome but you already knew that:)
Joshua, my sweet Joshua. What can I say? He is amazing us more every day. Today the little turkey learned to climb up and then slide off the couch. That is much better than climbing up and falling off. He is starting to act more and more like a kid his age. He is catching up fast. He still isn't walking but he did learn to cruise along the furniture last week, so it's coming.
Joshua was admitted into Children's earlier this week for some testing. It seems he may be having more seizures that we've even realized. If the tests were right he had 4 within two hours. We are still waiting on the results. He is also going to be fitted with a helmet to help his head shape up. He was so sick for so long and laid on his back that his head went flat. So they are hoping the helmet will fix that. But overall, he is amazing.
Bry is doing fantastic too. She is our spunky little Princess and she rules the whole house. If she's not happy, nobodies She is learning sign language along side Joshua and she is doing it really well. We've met three times with the BOE about her education but they still haven't decided what they are going to do. I am NOT going to accept public 3 year old prek for her. I am only willing to do prek if they will do homebound. She is just to fragile for public school at this time. Hopefully they will come to an agreement soon so she can get started. She is happy today because she finally got her hot pink wheel chair and her sit- to- stander. We've waited a year for these two things and finally they came today. So she's pretty excited about that.
Our youngest foster JK is the happiest most smiling baby ever. He is doing great! He just turned 3 months yesterday and he is already in a size 6/9 months. He is a butterball. His face just lights up when you enter the room. He loves people and he loves to smile. He is as sweet as they come. An almost perfect baby. He went for his two month well check and his heart murmur hadn't cleared up so we've got to take him to see a cardiologist, but I believe he is going to be fine. Joshua did the same thing and his did eventually clear up with no surgery.
Now my grandbabies they are the best!!!
Brookelyn she is my sweetheart. She is the smartest three year old I know and a big time MeMe's girl. I love her to pieces. She is my favorite 1st born grandbaby and she will tell you that.
Kaylan is my precious girl. I love her to pieces. She is my ALWAYS happy girl. She's MeMe's favorite baby girl.
Addie is the best behaved kid ever. I just love her to pieces too. She's more shy and laid back then Brookelyn and Kaylan. It takes her a little longer to warm up but when she does she melts hearts. She is precious. She's my favorite little middle grandgirl.
Carter well of course he's my favorite grandson! He calls me "maw maw" but I couldn't tell you He's the only kid that's ever called me that:) He is a tiny little boy, but full of energy and always busy. He is always smiling and never more than a foot from his mommy's side. He is a mommy's boy if their ever was one. I just love him to pieces.
Hubby well he works all the time too. When he's not working he is usually right beside me helping me take care of the babies. I sure am blessed to have a husband that loves these children as much as I do. God sent me the right mate that's for sure.
Well, me I'm great. Just ticking along as usual. Taking life one day at a time and thanking and praising God along the way. He sure has been good to me.
Well, this post turned out to be a little longer than planned but I guess that's to be expected if I update on the family. I sure love my family. They are so precious to me. God sure is good. I know I already said that but I just can't say it enough. He has been to good to me. He is good always!
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6
Banana Cream Pie
3 days ago
So happy everyone is well. God Bless you all, Trisha