~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Dec 31, 2012

A new year is just ahead!

Looking Back On 2012...
 In  winter...
In Jan we celebrated a special little girl's 2nd birthday.
Our lil Brookelyn Shae turned the Big #2.
We celebrated the birth of our new granddaughter
Adalyn Grace in January.
The last week of February
we accepted a new foster child.
A sweet newborn we nicknamed BB.
He will become our forever son
 "Joshua" in 2013.
 In Spring...
 Brent finally was able to go back to
work after being unemployed for a year.
What a blessing!
In Summer...
In June we celebrated a special boys
very 1st birthday.
Our Lil grandson Carter turned one:)
In July Katie and Dylan wed.
Ashley got her first car.
In August we took over the care
of a friend's child.
 lil miss Brylee came home.
Our foster son JJ turned the BIG FIVE!!!
Our lil man Jacob turned the BIG #11.
JJ started kindergarten.
Our Jacob started 5th grade.
Jon got his learners license.
In Fall...
Ashley started CNA school.
 Our son-in-law Corey finished
classes to be a firefighter.
Corey & Anna moved into their new house.
Anna started a new job.
She started working at PC animal hospital.
Jon got his first real job at L & W
and is doing really good.
So happy for him.
The Year of 2012...
We have made every
 SUNDAY family day!!!
This has made our family closer.
Over all I think 2012 was good to us.
I'm looking forward to 2013
and what it holds for our family.
Please keep us in your prayers
A Neat Idea for 2013
Yes, I will be doing something like this.
Happy New Year everyone!!!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

Dec 28, 2012

I'm so glad you're mine...

My feelings can be summed up in this song by Rachael Coleman.
Special To Me
Today will soon be over
Tomorrow will arrive
Right now I’m going to hold you
Until you close your eyes

Words can’t always sum up
The feelings that I feel
So peaceful when you’re sleeping
I know you’ll hear me still

(Signing) "You are very special to me
And I am very special to you
I know that this is where I am meant to be
I’m glad that my baby is you"

Exactly what I wanted
Exactly who you are
I know we’ll work together
And we will reach the stars

Families stick together
And family lasts forever
Forever, that’s how long
I’ll love you

(Signing) "You are very special to me
And I am very special to you
I know that this is where I am meant to be
I’m glad that my baby is you"

I know this is where I am meant to be
I’m glad that my baby is you
Some thought we should walk away. Some thought we were crazy. We even had doctors tell us to give BB back to DFCS, because the future didn't look bright. My heart broke. How could this be? How did the hospital miss all these signs at birth?  How did they not know he was so sick? I had so many questions just like any other new mother. No he wasn't my child at birth, but he was mine at that moment. I loved him from the very first day they placed him in my arms (2 days old). I knew that I was all he had at that moment and that no matter what (just like all of my other foster kids) I would do everything I could to help him. Some people don't understand that and they probably never will because this world is a self centered selfish place. This is my calling. God has given me a heart for the less fortunate & the desire to do His will and His will for me is to serve others and I will for as long as I am able.
The first doctor I took him too made me think I was nuts. She found nothing wrong with him. But I knew. I just knew. Call it a mommy thing if you like. I waited a week for my own pediatrician to come back from maternity leave and I took him back in. I told her my concerns and asked her to please check him from head to toe. She did. She knew right away something was very wrong. She sent me right then to the imaging center. The results came back that my baby was very sick. I started taking him from specialist to specialist. I started searching online to learn everything I could about my baby and his symptoms.  I spent many days and weeks on the road to Atlanta and several nights in the hospital. I held my sweet baby as he went through test after test after test.  One doctor just led to another doctor and one diagnoses to another. The more we went through together the more I realized just what God had given me. God had given me a miracle child. A child that God would use to change this world (at least my world). He changed me. He opened an amazing world to me that I never knew existed before. The world of special needs. I have met so many amazing people, doctors, therapists and families.
BB is doing so much better now. His future is still unknown, but he is so much better than anyone ever expected. Many of his problems have resolved themselves and I believe that his liver & spleen have healed. We will know for sure in Feb when they retest his functions, but I truly believe he is healed. His blood readings are better. His hernia has went away. His heart murmur is no longer present. Medicine has his seizures under control. He is getting a little better at eating and can handle most of the 2nd stage baby foods now. His therapist is working hard to correct his oral aversion & sensory issues. He was labeled as failure to thrive, but he is thriving. Yes, he is profoundly deaf and no he is not a candidate for cochlears ,because of the extra fluid in his head, so he will never hear and that's okay. We have accepted this as just the way God made him. We are learning to communicate with him through sign language. He can not set up yet and he can not crawl, but we believe he will eventually, because he is trying. He is holding his head up now and he has learned  to roll over, hold and chew on his toys. Those are major milestone for him. He still has a ways to go, but he has already came a long way. We are still not sure about his vision, we will know more when he turns one.Yes, the future is unknown, but I serve an awesome God and He is THE GREAT PHYSICIAN.


By Rachael Coleman 

Sometimes I see you stuck
For such a long time
A daily nothing new
Pretend I don’t mind
With lists of things you’ll never do
Until somehow you do
And you do — you do — you shine
The days and months and years,
they run together
Is it just one day? Or is this forever?
You’ve taught me in your lifetime
More than I’d learned in mine
And you do, you do, you shine
Shine Shine Shine Shine Shine
Shine your light on me
Shine Shine Shine Shine Shine
everyone will see
Shine Shine Shine Shine Shine
I’m so glad you are mine
And you’ll shine in your own time
Well, maybe I’m too close to see you clearly
Or is it now my role to simply believe?
You’re just one of those mysteries
That may never be solved in time
But you do — you do — you shine
And Sammy will do what Sammy will do when Sammy is ready to do it
And Trevor will do what Trevor will do when Trevor is ready to do it
And Lucy will do what Lucy will do when Lucy is ready to do it
And they’ll do it in their own time
Yeah, they’ll Shine Shine Shine Shine Shine

Shine your light on me
Shine Shine Shine Shine Shine
And everyone will see
Shine Shine Shine Shine Shine
I’m so glad you are mine
And you’ll shine, and you shine

Our baby will do what he will do
when he is ready to do it.
And he'll do it in his own time.
Yeah, he'll shine.
So shine on little boy of mine
you are my sunshine.
 We are in the process of adopting our baby boy.
We are so thankful that his birth family
has chosen to make us his forever family.
What a precious gift he is.


Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

Dec 27, 2012

We had a wonderful Christmas...

We had a wonderful Christmas. It was for sure a blessed one. Christmas is my most favorite time of the year. My sweetest memories have been the ones we've made together as a family. This year was no different. God sure was good to us. He always is. Thank you Lord for your blessings on us.

We came home late from mom's on Christmas eve and found this package by the door. We have no idea who left it, but it sure was sweet! Brylee LOVED it! Thank you secret Santa for blessing our sweet girl.

We picked at Jacob & JJ about Brylee's package. I told them that Santa must have came while we were at MeMaw's and only left a gift for Brylee. We told them that she must have been the only good one this year...lol

"See mom Santa really is real".~Jacob
Every year he begs me to take a pic of santa when he comes...lol He was so excited when I showed him this pic.Thank you CTM for letting us borrow Santa.*wink*.

We had four VERY happy
little  kids Christmas morning.
All was calm in Howellville (Believe it or not)...


Baby boy had to much fun.
He was exhausted.
Forget cookies.
We left Santa a piece of Mrs Jenny's cake.
Our sweet home care nurse
Jenny brought us a homemade
Italian cream cake for Christmas.
It was amazing:)
Santa loved it! *wink*
The first one stirring wasn't even a mouse...lol
Jacob still believes in Santa Claus
 and he still gets so excited about Christmas.
I love that.
Santa's helper (Ashley).
She was up late...lol
Our 2nd little waker...
Our baby's very first Christmas.

Big foster brother Jacob helping Bry with her toys.

Of all the gifts our 5 year old foster got,
his favorites were his new toothbrush,
undies, and socks.
The things most of us take for granted were
the things he was the most excited to have.


Our sweet homecare nurse blessed us
with this awesome 13 DVDs collection.
It's the whole signing times (sign language) set.
This will be a blessing to our whole family
because we are trying hard to learn it for BB.


Playing with his toys.

We had Christmas breakfast with Brookelyn Shae.
She was our Christmas princess barbie rockstar girl...lol
She put us on a show.
Then we had a tea party...
until her puppy grabbed the plate of cookies.

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

Dec 25, 2012

Christmas Eve...

My mom's beautiful victorian Christmas tree.
There is nothing like going home for Christmas.
I found this cute little plaque that said,
"Home is where your mom is".
That's so true.
I sure love mine.
Our precious gift from God.
What more could we ever ask for?
My boys.
Oh how I love them.
Jonathan, Jacob, and Joshua

Miss Bailey &BB

The Hubby:)

two tired punkins
Oh weeee.
I caught PawPaw & Memaw under the mistletoe:)
Little Carter

Momma's boy:)
He may be taller than his momma now but
he will ALWAYS be my baby.
Samantha & LIL Carter man
Brookelyn Shae (She had just woke up)
Kisses for Aunt Ashley
BB was not very happy about this pic.

Kisses under the mistletoe
Corey and Anna
Anna's family
MeMe's plate Boookie Shae made.
Katie -n- BB
and Kaylan in her tummy at 36+ weeks:)

More daddy kisses.
Our sweet little boy.
MeMaw told Jacob & JJ that they
better be good boys or they would
only get coal for Christmas.
Well, they got coal...lol
But, they LOVED it!
It was really gum:)


Just a few pics of the kids with my uncle.
Now with Mom & Linda

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

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