Yes, I'm still here, I noticed most of my last posts have just been pictures of something we've done or somewhere we've been. I realize, I haven't really posted much of anything but that. It's because it's been a very busy month and my online time has been really limited. We've had so much going on behind the scenes. I keep waiting for my break to come, but so far It hasn't and I'm okay with that. Really I am.
Guess what?!?! We snuck away on a much needed vacation. We took a trip to TN over the weekend and had a pretty good time:) Well, everyone except Bailey. The curvy roads made her car sick even after 4 doses of dramamine. "Dear Sandy, please remember to give the dramamine before the car starts next time, because after the vomit comes the med won't work. Thanks, Me" . Bailey said, "Aunt Sandy, I'm never, ever, ever, going back to those mountains". Bless her heart . But, other than that the trip was a nice little getaway for us.
I managed to get a kid registered and ready for school in one week. Our JJ starts kindergarten Wednesday. I didn't think he would still be with us, so I had not registered him for school. He is being matched with a forever family (being adopted). They had him matched ,but the first family fell threw. So now we wait for the next match. I found out last week that he would still be with us at least for the first week of school, so off on a mad shopping spree I went. While I was out going crazy with all the other crazy moms I remembered why I LOVE homeschooling so much.'s a lot of work getting kids ready for public school. Not to mention all the red tape & paper work. If you think registering your kid is tough, try registering a kid that's not yours...grrrrrrr It's been a headache.
Other than that, we've been getting ready for BB's hospitalization next week. He will spend Monday & Tuesday at Children's in Atlanta. We've been meeting all his new therapists and getting ready for our next round of doctor visits. We've had visitation with grandparents, physicals on the kids, a trip to the dentist,a goodbye party, court on BB, we visited the farmer's market, spent a day with Maxine at the pool (ahhhh...relaxation), packed most of Z's stuff (he may leave us next week *tears*), started work on our kitchen, we are planning for Katie's (late) bridal shower which is Saturday, went to church Sunday ( & enjoyed Troy Hall's sermon), spent Sunday with my parents, and we have not just one, but three HAPPY birthdays this week. That's what I've been up to. How about you?
As soon as I get the time I'll add those pictures too *SMILE*
From Sandy located somewhere here in GA. Have a great rest of the day:)
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6
Spaghetti Salad
2 days ago
So busy my friend with so many wonderful things!! So sorry about z leaving, but I know God has amazing plans for him and he would not have been able to do them if you had not been there for his beginning!! ((hugs))