~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Jun 23, 2012

Photo Drop....

Just stopping by to say hi and to drop a few pictures off. Yes, I take to many, and I post to many, but that's ok, because it makes me HAPPY!!!! Here is what we've been up to the last few days.

We finished up VBS at our church on Friday. It sure was a fun week!

Brookelyn & some of her best little church friends.

Brookelyn's face cracked me up in this picture.
The bubbles kept dropping on her:)
Yes, that's my baby right there in the middle
with the cute wrinkled nose.

And this is here smiling:)

This is how I spent most of my week.
 Holding sweet babies.
 If only I had about two more arms:)

I think VBS wore Ashley out:)
Poor baby.
Yes, she is my baby
and will always be no matter
how old she is.

Little bundles of energy.

"I want Ice Sceeeeeam"~ Our Z
He loves Ice Cream and BEGS for it.

We had a wonderful Father's Day!
Hubby celebrated on Saturday with his Dad.
Then we celebrated the day at my parent's house on Sunday.

This is Hubby's gift from Anna & Ashley.
I thought it was really cute.

What do you think?
I think he liked it!

Now this kid.
Let me tell you about him.
He can make even a cloudy day sunny.

My babies LOVE bubbles.

Our family plays together.
Our family laughs together.
Our family prays together.
God put our family together
and I sure am thankful for it.

Pawpaw's precious little Princess

Our oldest son Jon
Now, this is one AWESOME KID.
He is probably my biggest helper....I'm not kidding.
I am so thankful for him.
I don't know how I'd make it every day without him.

He is an amazing big brother
even to the fosters.

Having Mickey D's by the pool with MeMe.
Her mommy seldom lets her eat fast foods
but today she did!
The Story Of a Pool & A Girl.

There once was a little girl who
 wasn't to sure she liked the pool.
About  1/2 an hour later....
The little girl got braver.
She set by the pool.
She even put her feet in, but that was it.
She was just to scared.

Then the little girl got braver.
 She got in the water, but she had to have double floats on.
She didn't trust the arm ones alone.
About 3 hours later....

 That same little girl was jumping off the sides
and swimming in the deep end
with only arm floats on.
Now that was one brave little girl.
MeMe's brave little girl.

Bailey Bug

My lil man "Jacob"

This kid LOVES strawberries.
She picked them fresh from the garden.

 Saturday, Hubby thought we ought to take a road trip.
We didn't know where we were going.
We just went and went and went.
We found this awesome bridge in Euharlee.
It was beautiful.

The neatest little store ever.

What else?
I've been learning some baby sign language.
I've learned the alphabet.
I've also learned mommy, daddy,
 brother, sister, diaper, baby, and bottle.
I figure those are the most important ones for now.
I've got a long ways to go, but I will do it.
My baby foster (BB) is worth it!

I've spent several days trying to learn to take care
of Miss Brylee. Brylee is our friend's little niece.
She was in an accident a few months back
and suffered a spinal cord injury.
She has come a long ways
but she has a long ways still left to go.
Next week ,I'll be spending 3 nights
taking care of her.
I'm nervous, but very excited.
Please keep Brylee in your prayers.

Well, that's all folks!
Have a great weekend everyone!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

1 comment:

Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy

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