~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Jun 10, 2012

Brookelyn Shae's Song....

Brookelyn and I made up a song that we always sing on the days I keep her.

Mommy goes to work and daddy goes to the station.
Mommy goes to work and daddy goes to the station.
But Brookelyn Shhhhaaaaeeeee......
Comes to MeMe's house to play, play, play.

Mommy goes to work and daddy goes to the station.
Mommy goes to work and daddy goes to the station.
But Brookelyn Shhhhaaaaeeee.......
We have fun all through the day, day, day.

Because Mommy & daddy went to work today!
Yes,Mommy & daddy went to work today!

I know it's a silly little song but Brookelyn loves it and that's all that matters:) But yesterday, her mommy took her to the station to see her daddy. He has to stay at the station over night a few days a week, so she misses him. I stopped by to see them all on my way to Carter's party. I took these sweet pics. You can just see the love she has for her daddy.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

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