On Wednesday, we got the call. The doctor had an answer to what is wrong with our precious foster baby. The last labs came back and he tested positive to a condition called congenital CMV. To learn more about it click here---> CMV INFO
At this point we really don't know what all to expect or how much he has been affected by this infection. However, we do know that we have a loooong road ahead of us. When she called, she asked if we could go ahead and take him on to the hospital to have a spinal tap done and we did. We haven't gotten the results back yet from that. Next week, they are sending him to Emory to see an eye doctor in hopes of saving as much of his sight as possible. Then we are going to be taking him to Children's in Atlanta to have some scans of his brain done to see what damage he may have. We were told he has almost a 90% chance of being disabled ,because he was born showing symptoms (small size, small head ,jaundice, swollen liver, and hematomas). However, we believe 10% means we still have hope. WE SERVE AN AWESOME GOD!
Our doctor suggested we could just send him back (I know, how sad.).
After a long heart to heart talk ,Hubs and I have decided that he is right where he needs to be..with us. He is in a home that is willing to do everything we can to give him the best outcome possible. If it comes to a point where we feel we can't meet all of his needs, then we will consider moving him, but for now he is receiving all the TLC we can possibly smother a baby with.
The only good thing about the doctor's call is that now we atleast know what we are dealing with. Please keep our sweet boy in your prayers.
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6
Spaghetti Salad
1 day ago
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