~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Jun 1, 2011

Hello June!

Hello June! We are so happy you've arrived. We've been waiting all year on you.
Today has been so beautiful. It's been HOT...very hot here, but I'm not complaining.
I love this time of the year. I love having time off from school. I love that we can spend our day doing just as we please. Here is how we spent our first day of June.
Can you feel the love?
It's just over flowing here.
This is what fostering has done for us.
What a joy it has brought to us.
Kisses for baby Z
On the way home tonight, Jacob asked me, "Which baby do you love the most out of the fosters?" Hubby said, "Your mom can't answer that son". But I did ,the best way I could. I tried to explain to Jacob how love is an amazing thing. I told him that I love each and every one of our fosters with all my heart (all 20). I love them all the same ,but yet differently...I know that doesn't make sense ,but that's how it is. Each of them are special in their own way to me. 
Love really is an amazing thing. I use to believe that you couldn't really love a child, like your own. Boy was I ignorant back then. These children have touched & changed everything about me. 

It's been a very nice day today.
We like you June!
By the way, freeze pops are awesome
for teething pain. Z and I thought you needed to know....lol
Poor little guy, he is trying to cut his second bottom tooth
and it hurts. 

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. What a beautiful post.
    Children are pretty wonderful. We are so blessed with all of them.

  2. Such a sweet post! Love the pictures. :o)


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