~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

May 17, 2011

Just being random...

Just being random with this post and sharing what's on my mind today.

1. Our foster baby "Z" gave up his passy. He just quit taking it. Woo Hoo!!! It's one less thing to keep up with. Now, if we could just talk Brookelyn in to giving up hers.

2. I finally got around to replacing my bathroom scales. My scales broke several months ago. I was for sure I had gained weight, but actually my weight has not changed. I still want to loose some weight,but I'm not as far away from my goal weight as I thought I was.

3. This week has been a little easier. I still have my moments ,but they've been less frequent this week. My heart still aches for my Nanny & my brother. I know that they are better off than I am,but it's just not the same here without them. I've been going to my Mom's a lot more since their death's and it just feels so different there. I go because I know they need me more now than ever. These last few months feel like a dream...a bad one. It's like I'm waiting on Bryan to stick his head around the corner to say "Hey Sis" ,because he always did or see Nanny setting in the recliner drinking her coffee. It's just so hard to accept that it will never happen again. 
My uncle wants me to come to my Nanny's soon. He has some things for me to come and pick up from her house,because my nanny left things that she wanted me to have, but I just can't seem to bring myself to go there. I haven't been there since she passed. It's like I am almost overwhelmed that so much has taken place over the last two months. We went from nanny passing, to one week later my hubby loosing his job, to my younger brother dying. I can't really even describe how I've felt.

I've been thinking a lot more about life & death these last few days. I even sent off for info on life insurance for myself and I am planning to set down within the next few days and make plans...should I check out early. I don't want my hubby or children to have to think about the things I've had to think about lately. They really don't give you enough time to even think or plan after someone dies. I got the call at a little after 11 PM on April 27th that my little brother had passed and by 10 AM the next morning we had to make his arraignments...it happened just that fast. It was overwhelming.

When Nanny passed, we knew she had all of her plans in order and insurance policies to cover the cost. She's told us for years she had it all ready and where it was located. But, when it happened, nothing went as planned. We verbally knew her wishes, but my mom basically had to take her house apart to find the paperwork ,because it wasn't where she told us. It was already a very hard time for us but then not having everything laid out just added to the stress.
So here is my advice... Everybody needs insurance. Funerals are expensive. You also need to have your wishes in writing. It would also be nice if you had in writing who you would like to do your service, where you want your service held, do you want burial or cremation, where do you want to be buried, music or no music and what type of music/songs, etc This may sound crazy, but I've had to go through this way more than most 30 years olds have. We've lost more than just my two brothers & grandmother. Since 2000,we've lost 12 relatives. Some checked out unexpectedly and were young. I am the only child left to both of my parents(my parents are divorced) and I am the only grandchild left. So don't think it can't happen to you.
Also, if you are a Christian and have accepted Christ as your Savior,please share it with your family. Death is something we don't like to talk about,but really we should. We will all have to face it one day.
Change of subject now...sorry!

4.My Son-in-law Corey passed his BIG firefighter exam today!!! Katie's boyfriend Barrett passed too!!! Woo hoo!!! I'm so proud of my boys.

5.Katie started her job at the library today. Her first day went pretty well. She's just so nervous. She wants to do everything just right. I know she will get the hang of it all with a little time and more practice. Please pray for her.

6. I am happy to share with you that my Hubby put up our new mailbox today (Read last post). We really needed one as you can tell by the picture I added of Jacob holding it. Ours was all dented up and scratched. It's been knocked down several times over the last few years. A bus scraped down it just last week and bent the door:)

7. I am watching Katie & Jon playing store with Jacob...lol He is working on money:)

8. Samantha is doing good. She started having false contractions the other day,but they were not the real thing ,and the docs were not concerned with them. She goes back on Friday. I can't wait for little Carter to get here. I can't wait to see Samantha holding her MIRACLE and looooong awaited baby. She's going to be a GREAT mom...I just know it:)

9. Hubby's dad is getting better every day. We had a scary moment last week. He had blood clots in his lungs and he had to moved back to the ICU ,but he is out of the ICU now and doing better. Not sure when he will get out of the hospital. Please continue to remember him.

10. My hubby got approved for unemployment. Since he was *fired* from his job in March, we thought he wouldn't be able to draw,but here is part of the letter we got from the DOL.

This paper is a blessing. After investigating they found no wrong on Brent's part...Praise God!!!! When you get accused of doing wrong and then get fired from your job of 21 years (when you are NOT guilty) it's hard to accept. It was devastating. After all, Brent was our main provider. I had no idea how we would make it. It also happened just one week after the death of my Nanny so as you can imagine I felt like my world had fallen apart. But, God had his hand in it. He has provided for us every step of the way. We haven't even struggled to make ends meet and all I can say is PRAISE GOD! It's all God. We've had more family time, more time for church, and more time to do the things that we had been putting off doing ,because of work and lack of time. We've learned to live a little more simple ,but honestly it hasn't been much different than how we lived before. We are simple people. God has opened new doors and I trust that He will continue to do his work in our lives.

11. Baby Z's first tooth has come all the way in now! He knows something is different. He keeps making funny faces:)

12. My spell checker is not working...sorry!

Well, this post is very scattered,but it's what I have on my mind right now.


  1. God Bless you, Sandy. Life is uncertain, but, God will not put more on us than what we are able to bear. You have been through a lot in your young life, but, you may one day, be able to help someone else because of the things you've been through. Blessings and Prayers.

  2. Trisha-You are so right. That's how I look at things.I believe everything happens for a reason. But, yes it is hard at times to understand. The hardest part for me is trying to explain to others how this could possibly be God's Will when I can't even understand it myself, but I just have to accept that it is. I have had my share of bumps in this road of life but I believe they have made me a better & stronger person and for that I am thankful. It has helped me to relate to the families I work with in foster care. Life has taught me compassion & sympathy for the hurting & troubled.
    Please continue to remember my parents. Their hurt, hurts me deeply. Thank you for thinking of me & writing me.

  3. Your advice is wonderful about being prepared for the day that will surly come.
    I know it was hard for me to plan everything even though I was not even 49 years old, but I too did not want all the planning to be dropped in my families laps.

    Take your time going to your grandma's...the "stuff" can wait.


Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy

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