~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Jan 26, 2011

Do You Have A Favorite Blog????

 Some people are just blogging talented. They write a post and 500+ people leave comments. They are well known all over the world, simply because they blog. You may know some of them yourself... Like MCKMama's Blog or Ree Drummond at The Pioneer Woman. I'll admit it,I can spend hours on their blogs and never get bored.

Then you have the less known bloggers that draw you to their blog because you share a similar hobby, faith, journey, etc. They inspire you and make you want to keep coming back. They may not be as well known and may only have a handful of readers, but they top your favorite's list.

Yesterday, I was reading some one's blog and they posted their favorite's list.  I decided I would visit a few of the blogs that they had listed just to see what made them stand out above the others. Needless to say, I only made it to the second one on her list ,before I was sucked in. Before I knew it, me and Ashley were both glued to the screen. Her posts were beautiful and her pictures amazing. So as you can imagine. I quickly got her added to my favorites bar.

Do you have a favorite blog or blogs that stand out above the others to you? Why not share them so others can enjoy them too.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. Oh YES! ME TOO!
    I love so many blogs....spiritual blogs, funny blogs, thought provoking blogs, helpful blogs, pet blogs, Mom blogs....
    and on and on.
    I love learning that across this big ole world there are women just like me. I feel validated and loved.
    Blogworld has been an awesome adventure for me to get to know others as well as myself.
    I consider my Blog friends to be "friends". I love having no age, religion, gender, race, as a factor. I have gotten to know others that in my town, employment or even church, I may not have connected and gotten to know them. Here I can give my heart and see others heart. I have learned, I have helped, and I have blossomed because of Blogworld.
    BTW~I love your blog. I love getting to know your family and praying for you.

  2. I think that some blogs just seem to have more charisma, just as people can have.
    Then, some blogs it is not necessarily the charisma that they have, but they have a certain way such as a journalist does of creating comments in response to an intriguing or controversial topic they've written.
    I love blogs that are genuine in a single focus--such as inspirational writing or book reviews.

  3. Everytime I try to scale my blog list down I find several to replace them. There is so many encouraging ones out there. I love to read those that I feel connected to. Whether through religion, family, or interests.


Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy

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