~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Nov 24, 2010

It's almost that time of the year again!!!!

It's almost Thanksgiving!
How do you spend your Thanksgiving day?
This year will be different for us since my mom-in-law decided to have her dinner last weekend. It's going to make my Thanksgiving a little easier since we won't be cooking for and attending two dinners in one day. Thanks Linda!

We will be going to my mom's this year. I'm really looking forward to getting together with my mom's side of the family. We have a little family on my mom's side,but we always have a great time together.
I love Thanksgiving. My mom has always made it special for us,just like nanny always did when she was able. Mama plans the day ...from the perfect meal right down to the napkins she chooses each year.

I'm also excited about having all my kids together. Maybe we can get a group/family picture together.
The guys always take to the living room to watch the TV on Thanksgiving. The girls always gather in the dining room/living room to go through the sales papers to plan our yearly mother/daughter shopping trip.

I'm also looking forward to meeting my little brother's girlfriend. Yes, you heard that right. Bryan has finally settled down!!!! Yay!!!! It has taken him long enough. He is 30 now and he isn't getting any younger...lol Maybe this is the one that will be that missing piece in his life.
As always, we will be thinking about and missing my brother Robby. This was his favorite time of the year and he always loved getting together at mama's. However,I know he's spending his Thanksgiving with Jesus this year:)

I'm also excited to share my day with Brookelyn Shae. This will be her very first Thanksgiving. I hope to get lots of pictures of her with her great and great-great grandparents tomorrow.
It will also be baby Z's first Thanksgiving and I plan to dress him up for his special day and take lots of pics of him to put in his lifebook. He is such a special little blessing to our family.

I think it's going to be a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I am just over flowing. I have so much to be thankful for this year.
God has been way to good to us.
Thank you Lord for your blessings on me.
On The Menu
Dressing & gravy
Turnip greens
Green beans
Baby red potatoes
Veggies & dip
Potato salad
Pies/ cobbler
Deviled eggs


  1. Thanksgiving is not a holiday here in Australia, but after my husband got home from work we had a lovely thanksgiving meal together - I never celebrated thanksgiving prior to marrying Daniel, so this is still fairly new to me. But I really enjoy it!

    Happy thanksgiving, Sandy! :)

  2. I'm glad you celebrated. It is one of my favorite holidays. Here in the USA pretty much everyone celebrates. Most places are closed and almost everyone gathers with their family to celebrate. It is just a sweet holiday and I'm so glad we have it.


Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy

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