~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Mar 2, 2010

My Son's Accident

Thank you all so much for all your thoughts, prayers, phone calls, etc for my son Jon. I just wanted to update you all and let you know that he is going to be just fine.
For those who don't know, my 16 year old was in an accident today. He was shot in the face & head by a 12 guage buckshot.
Here is what happened...
He had been helping his dad for the last few days cleaning out an old trailer at the bottom of our property. While Jon was cleaning today, he ran across a bullet. He took the bullet and pitched it into a box of trash he had been cleaning up ,and the bullet just happened to hit something just right ,causing the bullet to blow up and go in several directions.
One part hit Jon in the head just above his ear. It went in about one inch ,but it went sideways instead of deep...Praise God!!!!! The other piece went in just below his eye and was stopped by his cheek bone (I always knew he was hard headed just like his dad...lol).
They were able to remove both without any further damage. He has a few staples in his head, a few stitches to his face ,minimum swelling, along with a big black eye,but other than that he is just fine and very fortunate. The doctor put this accident into the category of a one in a million...bullets aren't suppose to just blow up, but now we know they can. So please handle all bullets with care and do not ever just pitch a bullet.
I just want to take this time to thank God for watching over my son today. This could have been much worse. I thank God that my son is okay and that he is still here with me tonight. Thank you God. Thank you God. Thank you God. Thank you God. How can I ever thank him enough? Once more he was watching over our family. I am one very fortunate & thankful mom tonight.


  1. Bless your heart, it sounds like God was watching our for lots of our families this week...thanks be to God!

  2. Praise God indeed. This makes me tear up. You are such an angel & I just can't imagine you losing your Jon. I do think thik God is watching over you and your Family. Thank Godness he is going to be alright! Continuing Prayers!

  3. OH MY...holy cow! God is good...what a miracle! Thank the Lord he's ok!!!

  4. Yikes!!!

    I'm so glad to read that your son is okay - how scary! I'd say he had some angels watching over him today for sure....


  5. Oh Sandy what a scary thing to have happened!
    I am so glad to he is fine.
    Praise the Lord,
    I will continue to lift all of you up.

  6. Oh my goodness, praise God he is okay. What a terrible accident. I had no idea that a bullet could blow up. I'm so glad I know that now and can pass on that knowledge to my boys.

    Praying for you all!

  7. I am thanking God with you! Thank you for sharing this with us.

  8. Praise god and so glad he is going to be ok !!! Praying for all of you.

  9. Wow! I am so glad he is ok. You are right, God was watching over him today. God certainly is GREAT!

  10. Oh my goodness! Praise God for His protection! I try to always pray for my family's safety, but oftentimes I forget to. I'm so glad that God is faithful even though I am not...it only takes a second for things to go terribly wrong, and I am so thankful that I serve a God who is in control of it all!

    I pray that Jon will recover quickly.

  11. What a freak accident! I'm glad he's OK and pray that he continues to heal nicely!

  12. That is a miracle! I will tell my hubby and boys about it! Thanks!

  13. I don't comment often, but had to just praise God in a comment today! He is good. And your son is okay!

  14. Praise God that he was protected from more damage. I am going to have a conversation with my boys this afternoon. Sometimes I think they are too careless with bullets. They know to respect the guns, but this will be a good opportunity to show them that even the bullets outside of the gun can be dangerous.

  15. Oh my gosh! You will all be in my prayers.

  16. Oh my,
    Praising the Lord your son is fine.

  17. Thank the Lord everything worked out the way it did!

  18. God was certainly watching over him, will pray that all goes smoothly with the healing. I know what it is like to have a young son hurt and wanting to take the pain away

  19. I didn't have much time earlier so I got back online as soon as I could. Wow, you poor thing. I bet your heart felt strangled. Praise God that John's okay! I'm so sorry I missed this post and was unabel to pray with you. You've got my prayers now for a speedy recovery. I never knew bullets could do that. I will def. pass that along. *hugs* Love ya mama!

  20. How scary. SO glad he is okay.


Thanks for visiting my blog today! Stop by and visit again soon.((hugs)) ~Sandy

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