Here is my quick update for this week...
We had a great weekend, but as always a very busy one. On Saturday, we managed to FINALLY get Brent fitted for his tux. Then we went out to Anna's place to visit for a little while. After that, we went to Hiram to eat and Brent and the boys went to the movies, while the girls went shopping for Anna's shower gifts.
On Sunday we went to church and then went to the mall to pick up brides maid dresses, and to shop for the wedding. It has just amazed me how much work it takes to put together a wedding. It has been hard and I was so stressed out to start with, but slowly I'm getting this together. I have all these ideas in my head that I want to do, but the hard part is putting it together. I have realized that I am not a crafty or creative person and this is the first wedding I've ever done. I didn't even do my own...thank goodness for my MIL and mom, they handled mine for me...I just told them the colors and showed.
Anyhow, enough on weddings.
We had a scarey night. It was around 10pm, and I was just getting in the tub, when I heard Ashley say, "Are you alright?", "Samantha, what's wrong?", and then Ashley screamed at my bathroom door that Samantha was on the phone with her and had just had a wreck...she hit a tree. I said, "Is she okay?" She said she can't breathe. I managed to get that she was on 101 hwy...which is very close to me So I threw on my clothes and went to find her. She was okay, just shook up really bad. Here is what happened...
3 cars were somewhat involved. It was dark and on a bad curve(so you couldn't see the wreck until it was to late). Car 1 was infront and for some reason a tree fell on the car. Car 2 saw it, and was quick thinking. He moved his car to the other side of the road ,because he saw that no car was coming head on ,and that if he didn't he was gonna be hit from behind by car 3 (Samantha). So he quickly moved and as he moved, Samantha slammed into the tree, and knocked in off the road and still had the top under her car and sticking out about 6 feet. Noone was hurt...just shook up. Samantha has a good bit of damage to her car but it is fixable. It could have been much worse and we thank God that it wasn't.
As for today, I'm working with the kids, bouncing babies, and working on invitations.
Well, gotta run and settle down the 3 year year olds that are running through the house. Have a great rest of the week!
Spaghetti Salad
1 day ago
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