Well, it's been one of those weeks...again. I've been so very busy. I've been working around the clock on Anna's wedding. It is a lot of work to get married. It's also expensive. I managed to get the photographer set up and I even went ahead and paid her $900, I ordered the cake $189, I got most of the centerpieces done, and all the addresses for invitations in three days...go me!
It's also been a frustrating week.
On Tuesday, I took 4 of the kids for dental checks and cleanings. The first kid went in (Jacob) and as you know Jacob has had numerous problems with his teeth. His first baby tooth came through the gum and already had problems. He has fragile teeth. So the dentist looked at him and said, I'm afraid to mess with his teeth. He felt he was not experienced or qualified enough to handle Jacob's case. He was afraid he would mess up some of the work that has already been done. He said Jacob's mouth is in all different developmental stages and it is caused by the condition he had from the start. So he wants me to take him to a pediactic specialist just to have his teeth cleaned...grrr Okay, I can do that I told him.
Next went in kid #2 (Katie) out she comes and tells me she has two cavities that need fillings. Okay, I can handle this.
Next goes kid #3(Ashley) she also comes out with two tiny cavities. Now how come that othodontist that has been seeing her for 4 years and thousands of dollars later, didn't tell me she had cavities...grrrrrr So I thought, okay, we will get them filled.
Last goes in #4...Jon. And he stays...and he stays... and I'm thinking, "On no, not Jon, he has never had a cavities in his life". So the nurse comes to the door and says, Sandy can you come back here? Yes, I'm on a first name bases because Brent's whole family has used the same dentist forever. So I go to hear my verdict. The dentist then pours it on me. He said, Katie needs to have two apts to fix her cavities, and she needs to see an oral surgeon and get her wisdom teeth removed and soon. He said if they come in (and he expects them in about summer) he said they are gonna push all Katie's teeth out to a point. I'm thinking, "Not my Katie...the kid I was so proud of that I didn't have to put braces on...grrrrr" He said either go now, and pay for just wisdom teeth or go later and it will be wisdom teeth and braces.
Then he said, take Jacob to get spacers,and stretchers now, because if we don't his big teeth are gonna come in and no orthodontist will be able to fix his teeth.
Then he said Jon has a huge extra tooth up in his gum. Jon will have to go and have some of his side teeth removed and an orthodontist will have to pull the extra tooth down with braces. He also said Jon's bite is way off and he believes that is why Jon has headaches a lot. Geeee...I only wanted their teeth cleaned.
So now, we have to go see an oral surgeon, pediatric dentist, an orthodontist, and back to him to fill the 4 cavities. I was so proud last month,that we finally got Ashley's braces off ,and that I wouldn't have to make that loooong trip to the orthodontist anymore. We've been in the orthodontist office atleast once a month for kids in braces for over 6 years now. And just as I thought we were done, now I find out the other three may have to have them too...grrrrr
Well, I guess I'll scratch my new vehicle for another year. I finally had the money saved to get my dream vehicle a Ford expedition and then my daughter decides she wants to get married and now the kids teeth...grrrr Does it ever stop? Just as I feel we are doing good, something else pops up....grrr
So that is my venting for today. I guess, I'll go get busy on school stuff. I hope you all are having a better week than me.
Spaghetti Salad
1 day ago
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