It is snowing again here in Ga. I woke up this morning and snow is once more falling. Where is spring,warm weather,and the sun? I like snow around Christmas ,but not in March. I'm ready for warm sunny days, so the kids can play and I can go walking. I'm still on my diet and I've been trying to walk and exercise when I can.
On Saturday, I managed to go and walk 3 miles and on Monday I walked 4 more. I took several kids with me and they got tired, so we came home earlier than I wanted.
It's been a pretty good week around here. It has actually been calm. On Wednesday, friends of ours took us out for dinner. We all went to Road House to eat and had a really good time. However, I felt really bad ,because I missed church service and I don't like doing that. I felt really guilty about it, but Wednesday was the only day that we all had, to get together. We usually try to get together every couple of weeks ,but we have all been so busy. Anyway,It was a lot of fun!
Now the weekend is here...yay!!!! It started off good, until I got to the check out counter Friday night...grrr Let me tell you what happened to me. I go to check out at Walmart and the man scans my groceries. The total comes up to $229.66. So instead of paying the full amount with debit, I pay some of it with cash. So I hand the man $165.66 of cash and he types something into the register,the drawer opens and he puts in $1, and he did not put the rest of the money in the drawer. I noticed that was kinda strange, but I didn't say anything. Then, he says, okay scan your debit, and I did. Then he hands me a receipt, still holding my cash in his hand. So I take the receipt ,and look over it. He had charged all but $1 to my debit ,and he put only the one dollar in the drawer, and who knows what he would have done with my cash ,had I not realized. So as nice as I could, and no I never got ugly or even rude, though he was mad and trying to tell me he did not charge the full amount to my debit even though it was clear that he did. The manger comes over and he agrees with me, and the man hands me back my cash. I left the manager to figure out the rest. The ones in line caught it too and they all thought the same thing. The man was going to pocket that cash, because why else would he put only $1 in the drawer when it popped open? So always check your receipt.
Today, well my plans went out the window. I wanted to go to the park and walk, but it is just to cold and snowy. I guess I'll just stay home and clean house and try to get some laundry done.
I hope you all have a great weekend! And don't forget to spring forward. Daylight savings time begins...grrrrr
Spaghetti Salad
12 hours ago
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