~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Feb 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Well, I managed to get out and buy my valentine gifts yesterday. I made my rounds to the bakery and to the stores...go Sandy! I am one of those bad ones that wait until the last minute, but I only do that on Valentines and not any other special day or Holiday of the year.

I got tickled watching the men trying to shop for their wives. It seems I saw more men shopping then women, so I guess it is true that most men wait until the last minute.

One of my favorite things about Valentines are the colors. I know that sounds strange , but I love all of the red and pink stuff everywhere. Those are my favorite colors. It's a girl thing I guess.

I have just never really gotten into the Valentines thing like most do. However I do think it is a sweet day and I do enjoy giving little gifts to the ones I love. I also enjoy watching the little kids hand out the little cards with their names on them...I loved doing that when I was a kid.

I usually always have a small little cupcake party for all the kids, that are at my house on Valentines...so I'll be doing that again this year.

When I think of Valentine's Day, my mind drifts back to Valentines 2002, when I was so sick with meningitis. We were going to a Valentine's Dinner, and Brent had bought our tickets in advance, but when the time come, I was just so sick that I couldn't go. He ended up taking one of the elderly widows in our church to that dinner. So when I think of Valentine's, I just have to stop and Thank God for bringing me through it and allowing me to still be here this Valentine's Day.

I got a Valentines surprise in the mail a couple of days ago. It was from a little boy I use to keep. He moved away last year. He and his mom mailed me a card all the way from Springfield OR. It was so sweet and such a surprise. Thank you so much Blake and Amanda. Big hugs, across the miles:) I miss ya'll so much. Come home soon!

Well, I guess I should run along. I have a busy day ahead....so much to do and soo little time.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hugs, Sandy


Let me tell you about yesterday ,because I'm still bursting at the seams today.

I am still so full of joy. The word "ecstatic" is the only way I know how to explain how I felt yesterday. I saw God answer the prayers of three people (2 of my close friends). Prayers that had went up for many long years and yesterday was the day that God chose to answer. I can't go in to any detail here at this time, but I can tell you this, "God is awesome!" He still answers prayers...not on our time ,but on His.

I am so happy for my friends! God amazes me how he works. He put each of us, in just the right place ,at just the right time, so that we could come together(like dominos) ...To fulfill His will...that is what he done yesterday.

When something good happens to a friend of mine, I get as excited as if it was me. I am so thankful that God allowed me to be apart of such a wonderful thing. He is good!

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