~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Mar 24, 2025

Buffalo Chicken Macaroni and Cheese...

Buffalo Chicken 
Macaroni and Cheese

This is a crock pot meal and one of our new favorite meals!

What you need...
List One
3 chicken breasts (I chopped mine up into smaller pieces)
Salt (to taste)
Pepper (to taste)
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1 cup of Sweet Baby Ray's Buffalo Wing Sauce 
1 cup of Ranch dressing
1 packet of Hidden Valley ranch mix

List Two
8 oz of shredded cheddar cheese
8 oz of shredded mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup of milk
1- 16 oz box of pasta (I used rotini but any pasta is fine)

In a crock pot add all of the ingredients in List one and stir them to combine. Turn crockpot on high and cook for three hours.

Right before the chicken is done (about 15 minutes before), Boil the pasta until it's tender, and drain it. 
Add the pasta and all of the ingredients in list two to the crockpot and stir well to combine. Unplug the crock pot and let it set until all of the cheese has melted and milk has been absorbed. 

Serve with garlic bread. This is a simple one put meal and my kids LOVE it! Enjoy! 

Mar 19, 2025

The Crazy Hair Tour...

We were so excited to be able to be a part of the 
True Girl Crazy Hair Tour!

We had a great time!

Lucy wanted to be a part of the fun too!

Mar 16, 2025

Meet Lucy...

We adopted a new baby!
Our sweet girl

when we first met Lucy at PC animal control.


Our hearts have been absolutely shattered since we lost our Ruby dog. The kids have cried and cried ...we all have. Even our little dog max stopped eating and was just depressed. Ruby was such a joy and brought so much love and fun into every day. We decided in Ruby's honor that we would adopt another shelter dog since Ruby was a shelter dog. 

Meet Miss Lucy!

 She is also a boxer mix like Ruby (that was not planned). We visited multiple shelters and Lucy just stuck out. She was so sad looking and I had to pretty much baby talk her to even get her to come to me. We visited her a few times before we decided that she was the perfect one. She went from the saddest looking dog ever to the dog that you see above. She is so happy to be home! She was sick the first few days and needed antibiotics but she is feeling so much better now and bringing the happy back into our home. No, she will never be Ruby but I think that she might just be second best or just as perfect. I'm serious. She is so similar to Ruby that it is crazy. She is very loving, playful, and full of happy energy. However, she is still young around 1-1.5 so she still has some puppy behaviors in her and needing training but we are fine with that. We love our Lucy girl already! Plus, she is a big time mama's girl. 

I wish people would stop breeding and start adopting from shelters. These babies need a chance too and they are absolutely the best dogs...at least mine have been. 

Welcome home Lucy girl!!!!
We are so happy to have you!

Mar 8, 2025

Our Ruby...

We lost our precious Ruby.
Our hearts are absolutely broken.
She was the smartest and best dog 
that I've ever known.
She came to us at a time 
when our family was hurting.
She brought a lot of comfort and love
to all of us during that time and 
through the short 5 years that we had her.

Our sweet baby Ruby...

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