I set here tonight all cuddled up by the Christmas lights. My heart is just full. I set here thinking all about the last few days, weeks, months, year. Christmas has come and gone and in a few days a New Year will start. I can't help but feel so blessed. God has been good to me. I haven't had a good year. Actually, most of the year was horrible. This year held some of the darkest and hardest days of my life but I got through it...only by the grace of God. He was with me. I felt his presence. He carried me and gave me peace even on the days when I was at my lowest. I could tell you all about the storm I have gone through but I'm not. Instead, I'm going to tell you how thankful and blessed I am, because I am. GOD HAS BEEN GOOD TO ME. I end this year a different person than who I was a year ago. I have truly learned to appreciate every single day, every single person, every single thing that God has given me. I don't think I've ever really taken those things for granted but I see them differently this year. I appreciate them a whole lot more. I realize just how quickly life can change and your whole world be turned upside down. I don't and won't ever understand why but God knows. I know that every thing we go through here is for a reason...even if we can't understand it. I just thank God for where He brought me from and I trust that regardless of what might lay ahead that He will be with me and I will get through it. Thank you Lord for your blessings on me.
I'm not making any New Year resolutions. I don't have any great big plans. I simply want to do better with the time I'm given this year...be a better Christian, a better wife, a better daughter, a better mother, and a better friend.
I pray that this coming year will be much better for my family and me. I pray its filled with family time like movie nights, cookies baking, bedtime stories, rooms filled with laughter, big bear hugs, cameras flashing, road trips, grandbaby sleepovers, full bellies, and lots of LOVE. These are the things that make life so precious and mean the most to me. I wish this for us all.
Yes, my heart is full. God's been so very good to me.
Goodnight 💓