~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Dec 29, 2023

Lord let me live...

Lord let me Live.
Let me live to raise my son because I don't want anyone else to have that responsibility.
I worry what will happen to him if I should die.
When I'm gone, will someone know the sounds that he makes all have meaning? Will they take the time to learn his sounds? Learn his language so that they can talk to him?
Will they love him like I do and make sure every day that they tell him how much he is loved? and not just say it but will show him love?
Will they know, that he likes to be in the room with me when he falls asleep at night?
Will they know he needs a night light because he lives in a silent world and his vision is not that great so without a nightlight his world is dark and silent? And sometimes he gets scared. He will wake up multiple times a night to see If I'm still there.
Will they know that he only eats certain foods (chips, fries, ice cream, peanut butter, pizza, and meats) no bread, no veggies, and only apples? And force feeding him doesn't work. He will throw it up every single time.
Will they help him take his bath, help him turn his clothes right so that he can dress himself, tie his shoes for him and make sure that they are on the right foot, and help him into bed and tuck him in tightly?
Will they know that most of the time after he brushes his teeth that he will spit and often gag as he doesn't like toothpaste?
Will they know that he has no fears and doesn't understand danger? If he sees water he will jump in it. If you are in a parking lot you can't just let him go. He will run out in front of a car.
Will they know that he loves to be outside but he will wander away if left unattended?
Will they know that he will stay in the bath tub until he is wrinkled up, will often over fill the tub, and will lay on his tummy and try to swim (even though he is almost to big for the tub)?
Will they know if he blows on your face that it is his way of kissing you? He doesn't give many kisses but if he does it's because he really loves you. He will hug you but he doesn't really like to be hugged. It has to be his idea and most of the time it will be only a side hug.
Will they know that he doesn't understand his strength and sometimes is rough and doesn't realize it? He likes little kids and animals at a distance but he thinks all older kids are his best friends.
Will they know that he will drop his clothes or walk out of the bathroom without his clothes on if you aren't careful? He doesn't understand that's inappropriate but we are trying to teach him.
Will they know that when his mind gets set on something that he will bug you nonstop about it... Especially, if its something he really wants?
Will they understand that he is big but he doesn't realize it yet so he still tries to set and play on baby toys and still mostly plays with preschool toys and he chews on EVERYTHING.?
Will they keep an eye out for him when in public to be sure others don't mistreat him because they don't know that he is different? Will they make sure he is included and never left out?
Will they fight for him to go to school and have the things that he needs to thrive?
Will they know that he can not live without his medications and missing even one dose can be very serious?
These are the things that keep me up at night. Please Lord don't let me die. Let me stay to raise my son. My sweet Blaze needs me here.

Dec 25, 2023

Christmas Morning...

Santa came!

Someone captured Santa flying away
and the kids sure loved seeing Santa fly!

Christmas eve 2...

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