Hi Cindy & Shawn! I hope you both are doing well! I wanted to stop by and say HELLO! The weekend is finally here! Do you have any BIG weekend plans? We plan to just stay home and enjoy a quiet weekend at home. I haven't been feeling that well. My seizures have gotten worse over the last few weeks. I've been admitted into the hospital 3 times in three weeks. They increased my medication but that ma...de me feel really bad so they decided to go back down on that med and add on a 2nd seizure med and that med made me feel a lot better, but it didn't control the seizures. On Wednesday night, I had a really bad seizure and yesterday I collapsed at school so they've added on a 3rd medication and we are praying that it will do the trick. This has not been fun at all but hopefully I'll be back to my happy smiling self very soon! Thank you for all you do for me! You both are a blessing! Your buddy, Blazer
Hi Cindy & Shawn! Happy Tuesday!!! I hope this week is going good for you. Today is an easy day for me. No appointments!!! I get to stay home all day and play...Yay!!!! My friend from UGA is coming to play with me. My mom calls her my voice. I am super excited as you can tell by my smiles. She works with the school and state to be sure that they meet all of my needs. She is super sweet and she al...ways spends a lot of time playing with me and doing what I want to do. I really like her. Her and mom is going to discuss my future school plans. They have some big decisions to make. Well, I guess I should get off of here and get my toys all lined up. Have a great day!! Your buddy, Blaze
march 23,17
Hi Cindy & Shawn! I am just stopping by with a BIG HELLO! I hope you both are having a great week! It's been a good week for me! Today I ROCKED in communication. I took my device and I told my therapist. "Let me", when I wanted to do something. I also said. "Help Me", when it was something I couldn't do. Then I took my device and played a game of bingo with her. I was able to name all of my colors and all farm animals! My mom was so proud of me! I am doing so good at learning to use my dynavox. Here is a picture of me putting on a SMILE 
oct 22,2014
Hi Cindy! So what do you think? I got my new glasses today. They finally got them right over at Emory! So far, I've been keeping them on. My doc gave me eye drops to relax my eyes, but mom said I won't have to put them in my eyes if I will just wear my glasses. I'm trying. I really am. I just have a hard time with everything that touches my face, so my glasses drive me nuts. Also today I went to see my audiologist. Her name is Cindy too! She is making me new hearing aids (superman colors!) and she wants me to try to start wearing mine at least a little while every day. They really don't help me hear because I am profoundly deaf, but she said they will help to keep the nerves in my ears alive just incase in the future they come out with something new for kids like me. My audiologist was very proud of me because I didn't throw up on her this time. Last time when she did my ear molds I vomited all over her, because it grossed me out so bad, but not this time. I took it like a big boy! It's been a looooooong busy day for me, but after we got home Mom and I went walking. She let me try out my new AFOs and shoes. I did great! She is so proud of how well I've done today.
I hope you are having a great week so far! Big ((hugs)))~ Blaze
June 17,16
Hi my friends! Just checking in! I hope you both are having a grrreeeaaattt week! I've had a good one but just very busy! It's been super hot here. This week, we only agreed to 2 therapies (yay!), we took a trip the zoo, I met with a new deaf mentor/teacher on Tuesday, I played in the fountains, took a trip to the park, and I had a checkup so that insurance will approve my speech device. Also, last week I met with a new immunology doctor and had tests done and I got my results back and I am allergic to almost all nuts...yikes! so I have been sooooo busy! Now they want me to go back in next week for more testing of other foods...grrrr They think this may be the answer to all of my GI and feeding problems. Well, that's about it in our world. What about you??? Do you have any big plans for the weekend??? Cindy I bet you sure are enjoying that pool these days. I hope you both have a great one! Your buddy, Blaze
june 23,15
Hi my Buddies! I wanted to stop in and say "HELLO"! I'm really enjoying my summer break. I've been busy almost every day, but I don't seem to mind at all. I have therapy every day now except for Wednesdays, but I'm done right after lunch and free for the rest of the day. Today after therapy, we went swimming at my friend's house. I did so good! I'm finally learning to float and to kick my feet. Hopefully, I'll be swimming soon! I know my mom will be happy when I learn to swim.

nov 21,16
Hi Cindy & Shawn! I hope that you have had a great Monday! Can you believe it's already Thanksgiving week?!? This year is almost over. Do you have big plans for Thanksgiving? We go to my MeMaw & PawPaw's for dinner. I have the whole week out of school and mom has taken off from everything! I have all week to just play and enjoy my break. I hope you both have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Your buddy, Blaze
july 30 2014
We are so blessed to have Blaze's buddies in our life. Cindy & her family have truly inspired us. Cindy Lisiecki Shawn Clancy Today, Blaze had therapy on the farm. He worked on signing his name. We have got to come up with a name sign for everyone. So for Blaze, we sign the letters J & B just over the heart. Since he stole my heart
So his teacher is trying to teach him how to do that. He is also working on counting to five in ASL. He still hasn't quite gotten the finger part down, but he tries so hard. This kid never gives up. He thinks it is so funny watching me count his fingers. He is such a sweetheart.
It's been a good day! I hope your day has gone well too. Thank you for all you do!

It's been a good day! I hope your day has gone well too. Thank you for all you do!
Aug 22,15
Hi Cindy & Shawn! Guess where I am?!? I am at the beach visiting our friends. We went out and walked the beach last night and I jumped in...lol I love the ocean. It's my favorite! I hope you both have a great weekend! Your buddy, Blaze
may 23 2015
Guess who is feeling all better?!? He is back up and at it. He even tried his best to run for you today.
I hope you are having a great weekend

feb 26,15
Blaze says "Thank You" everyone for the WONDEFUL birthday wishes and all of the awesome pictures you've posted of your pets for him. This kid LOVES animals and he is loving strolling through the pictures. Thanks for making his birthday fun! Thank you too Ms Cindy you are amazing!
feb24 17
Hi Cindy & Shawn! Just stopping by with a big HELLO! I hope you both have had a good week! It's Friday!!!! I hope that you have some fun weekend plans! I have been out for winter break all week and it sure has been nice! It's been a pretty calm week for us. Today it was in the mid 70s here, so I played outside with my foster brother! He is my best friend! Cindy, I sure hope that your new fur baby finds a new home very soon. You are so awesome to rescue so many dogs! They are so blessed to have you! How many have you rescued? Well, I hope that you both have a GREAT weekend! Your buddy, Blazer
mar 11 15
Hi Cindy and Shawn! I hope you are having a great week!!!! Your buddy,
nov 23 15
Just stopping by to wish you a wonderful Sunday and sending ((hugs)) across the miles. Love, Blaze
nov 23 15
Just stopping by to wish you a wonderful Sunday and sending ((hugs)) across the miles. Love, Blaze
aug 19 16
Hi Cindy & Shawn! I am just stopping in to say hello and to wish you a wonderful weekend! I hope you both are doing well. I am doing good. I am adjusting to preschool well. It's been a loooong busy week for me, so I am happy about the weekend. My mom said to tell you thank you so much for the sweet birthday card. She loved it! That was so sweet of you. Enjoy your weekend! Your buddy, Blaze
dec 31 15
Happy New Year Mr Shawn and Mrs Cindy! I hope 2016 is your best year yet! Your buddy, Blaze
june 6 16
Thank you so much Ms Cindy Lisiecki and Mr Shawn Clancy!!! I got to open my package today! I was so excited!!!! Mom tried over and over to get a picture of me looking, but I was to busy enjoying all of my goodies!!!! I love our new medals! That is so awesome!!!!!! Stickers and plain M&Ms are my favorites!!!!! Here I am trying on my medals. What do you think? Mom had another medal holder made because my other one is full (which is so awesome)! My new one says "Team Blaze". Mom will get it hung and send you a picture soon! Keep up the great job buddies! Team Blaze is the best! Thank you! I love you guys! Big (((hugs))) Blaze
may 31 16
Hi My friends!!!!! I hope that you have had a wonderful extended weekend! Did you have any BIG plans???? Cindy, I bet you've been enjoying your pool on these hot days. We just spent most of our weekend doing family things. We had a big dinner with my PawPaw and MeMaw after church Sunday and Then we had a big cookout at our house on Monday with family and neighbors. I ate a lot of watermelon. It is... my new favorite thing! I wasn't sure at first as you can tell by the picture but now I love it! This is also our first week of summer break. We are so excited that summer is finally here! Well, I hope that you are both doing good! Sending BIG hugs across the miles. Your buddy, Blaze
dec 3 16
Hi Cindy & Shawn! Just stopping by to make you SMILE! I hope you are having a great weekend! Your buddy, Blazer
dec 12 15
Hi Cindy! Hi Shawn! It's been a long busy week for me but I've done so good! You would be proud of my hard work. I'm feeling so much better. I did great in all of my therapies and worked extra hard in PT. I had two appointments in Atlanta and my doctors were very pleased this week with my progress. Today, we had breakfast with Santa. I love Santa! He is my buddy. I hope you both are having a great weekend! Your buddy, Blaze
oct 6 14
I'm home Ms Cindy!!! I had the best weekend ever! I love NC,except for when it got really cold. We left GA wearing summer clothes and once we got in NC we had to wear coats and boggins (which I did not like). It got really cold. We had no internet or phone service at the cabin, but my parents had me for entertainment, so they didn't need those. I kept them really busy climbing the stairs after me... and swimming in the hot tub. I have lots of pictures to show you. So get ready!!!! I even made smores over the fire, but I didn't like the looks of them, so I didn't try them. I even visited an Indian reservation but I really didn't like the Indians talking to me. I wasn't sure just why they wore feathers...lol Anyhow, I'm so proud of all your hard work. You've been working so hard these last few weeks. I just don't know how we got so blessed to be matched with you. You are such an inspiration to all of us. Big ((hugs)) ~Blaze
aug 8 14
Hi Cindy! Guess what? I really like play-doh! My teacher brought me some to play with. She thought that it would really gross me out, but it didn't!!! I really liked it a lot. My mom is not so crazy about it, but she's happy that I like it! I've been playing with it all day long. My mom said you ran again for me today! I'm really proud of you and my mom is too. My daddy thinks it's really neat that you do that for me. You are my AWESOME BUDDY! I like all my buddies on TEAM BLAZE! Mommy showed me Keegan's picture. It made me smile
Well, I've got to go. It's way past my bedtime. I hope you have the best weekend ever! BIG HUGS ~Blaze

jan 11 16
Hi Cindy & Shawn! Happy Monday! I hope this week has started out well for you. Shawn, how is your foot? We have been thinking about you. Today I had only one therapy (which made my mom really happy) but for some reason I wasn't very happy about it. I just wanted to stay home. I cried my way through therapy and I've never done that before. After therapy, I got to come home and hang out with my foster brother and that made me happy. He can always make me feel better. I hope you have a great week! Your buddy, Blaze
oct 8 14
Hi Cindy! Today has been a busy day for me. I had therapy on the farm. My teacher was sooooo proud of how much I signed today. She just bragged and bragged to my mom about me
Then I got my new AFOs. Notice how much I've grew??? My dark blue ones are so much smaller than my new ones, so now we have to go shoe shopping for bigger shoes. The new ones come up higher on my legs, for more support, ...but they aren't solid like the old ones, they have screws that actually allow me to bend my foot some! This is a step up from the old ones! The only thing we don't like about them is that they have a "no doggy" sign on them(bottom picture)...hmmm We didn't notice that when we picked out the design, but I love the trucks and planes.
I saw your sock picture. Your dog must really love socks. I don't! I hate wearing socks. Especially the ones that come above my knees...grrr They make me hot. Hopefully that will get better when it gets cooler outside. Today it's been HOT here. Anyhow, I hope you have a great evening buddy! Big hugs~ Blaze

I saw your sock picture. Your dog must really love socks. I don't! I hate wearing socks. Especially the ones that come above my knees...grrr They make me hot. Hopefully that will get better when it gets cooler outside. Today it's been HOT here. Anyhow, I hope you have a great evening buddy! Big hugs~ Blaze
sept 28 15
Hi Cindy & Shawn!!! I hope your week is off to a great start! It's a rainy yucky Monday here but I'm all SMILES today and full of energy.
I had PT this morning and I did great!!!!!!! Mrs Leslie said I worked so hard on balancing and strengthening. That made my mom very happy. Now, I'm off to Atlanta for an appointment. I'm a good traveler. I don't mind the long trips at all. I actually enjoy them way more than my mom does. She always says, "grrrrr"...lol Anyway, I hope you have a great Monday! Your buddy, Captain Baze

nov 3 15
To awesome for just one pair of shades. I sure hope your day is off to a great start! Your buddy, Blaze
feb 10 15
Hi Cindy! Hi Shawn! I hope you both are having a good Tuesday. I've been in a super silly mood all day...as you can tell by my pictures. My eye doctor has my mom putting silly drops in my eyes to relax my eyes so that I will want to wear my glasses. So far I'm doing pretty good today (we won't talk about yesterday). Tomorrow is my last day for the drops, hopefully by tomorrow I will wear them without a battle. If not, my mom said she is going to give it up, put a stamp on my head, and mail me to your house...lol Do you have room for one more? Your buddy, Blaze
march 27 16
Hi Cindy & Shawn! Guess what?!? The Easter Bunny came to my house! Did he come to yours too? I hope you have a Happy Easter! Your buddy, Blaze
nov 7 14
Oh Cindy it has been the very best day ever. I went to CHOA to the Cape Party, #CapeDayATL . I also got to play with Alice the rehab dog all by myself at rehab! Notice my shirt? I wore it for you my buddy, because you work so hard for me. I got to pretend I was running the office all by myself
I wore my superman cape, but I changed out to the CHOA cape in honor of another special hero that goes to CHOA named DJ. It's just been a great day! Big ((hugs))~Blaze

sept 13 14
Hi Cindy Lisiecki I just wanted to stop by and say hello! Yes, my mom actually let me set up really late tonight. Today has been a great day. I played all day with my foster sister and brother. We made all kinds of messes(as you can tell by my picture) and we kept mom on her toes. Daddy laughed and said it is good exercise for mom...ha ha ha
This past week I had lots of new appointments and I did ...so good at every single one. I was casted on Wednesday for new orthotics and I didn't even cry! You said I look like I have grew, I have! Three inches in 6 months, so my AFOs are to short. My new ones will have flex to them, so I should be able to walk better. On Thursday, my teacher came out and we worked with three different textures and I didn't even puke on her or cry!!!!!! My teacher was so happy she just wanted to hug me over and over. Then on Friday I had makeup therapies because I had to go to Atlanta the first of the week for appointments and my therapists were all so proud of me. My OT has been working with me on pushing objects together, I seem to struggle with that, but I'm going to get it. I am!!!! Next week I have to go to Atlanta 2 more times,but after that we will get a break. I saw the pic of your puppy dog and I loved the new medal!!! You are awesome!!!! I am so proud of you. Big hugs, The Blaze
This past week I had lots of new appointments and I did ...so good at every single one. I was casted on Wednesday for new orthotics and I didn't even cry! You said I look like I have grew, I have! Three inches in 6 months, so my AFOs are to short. My new ones will have flex to them, so I should be able to walk better. On Thursday, my teacher came out and we worked with three different textures and I didn't even puke on her or cry!!!!!! My teacher was so happy she just wanted to hug me over and over. Then on Friday I had makeup therapies because I had to go to Atlanta the first of the week for appointments and my therapists were all so proud of me. My OT has been working with me on pushing objects together, I seem to struggle with that, but I'm going to get it. I am!!!! Next week I have to go to Atlanta 2 more times,but after that we will get a break. I saw the pic of your puppy dog and I loved the new medal!!! You are awesome!!!! I am so proud of you. Big hugs, The Blaze
oct 20 14
Hi Cindy! I hope you are having a great week so far. I have an easy day today. No therapy!!! Woo hoo!!! It's just a stay home and play with my foster sister kind of day. My favorite kind of day...mom's too! Enjoy your week and keep smiling
Big hugs

may 12 15
Hi Cindy & Shawn! I hope you both are having a great week! Thank goodness you didn't pick up that penny Cindy. We don't have very good luck with pennies...lol Guess what?!?! After school today, my big brother took me to his shop, where he works, to look at all of the BIG mud trucks! I was so excited! My most favorite one was the red one. I really like red. I also liked the orange one because it was taller than the shop. My brother even let me pretend to drive the blue one. It was still muddy from last weekends race. Did you know that all mud trucks have names?...lol I had such a great time. It has been a great day! I hope your day was just as good
march 7 16
Hi Cindy & Shawn!!! I hope you've both had a great Monday!!! I've been spending a lot of time outside playing for the last few days. It sure has been beautiful here! Today, we walked a lot. I'm getting faster every day. I still fall a lot but not nearly as much as I did before. I had a study done on me by the Emory School of Medicine and they finally figured out why I am having so many issues with... my balance....sometimes I walk good and sometimes I fall every 2 or 3 steps. They said that I have the extrapyramidal type of CP and that causes problems with strength, balance, and depth perception (which is probably why I trip and run into everything). Now my therapists and family know how to better work with me. I really have come a long ways and my parents are so proud of me! I'm proud of me too! Here is a picture of me walking fast!
aug 4 14
Guess who ate watermelon for the first time! He wasn't sure at first but he saw all of the other kids eating it, so he took a bite and then another bite and then another. This is a big step forward to being able to eat food other than just pureed!!! He also did really well in both therapies today. His OT just wanted to take him home with her. He really put her on a show today. I hope you have a wonderful week! Keep that head up and keep smiling! You are a blessing to us
sept 10 16
Hi Cindy & Shawn! I hope you are having a great weekend! I am doing good. I have just been super busy. I am adjusting to school very well. I actually really like it a lot! I have double the therapy since I started school so I am very tired by the end of every day. For now, I only go three days a week because of my other appointments. I have also been going through a lot of testing to see if I can get implants. I still have a few more hurdles before we will know if I can have the surgery or not. That is pretty much what I have been doing. I am for sure one busy kid! I hope you both are doing well. Your buddy, Blaze
nov 12 15
Hi Cindy! Hi Shawn! Today was Blaze's big day. He did great! He made the nurses laugh because he went ahead and held his arms up in the air like the big strong boy that he is and took the IV like a pro. They let me walk him down and stay with him until he drifted off to sleep, which made it easier on us both. Thanks for thinking of him and all that you do for our little man
aug 1 16
Hi Cindy & Shawn! I hope that you both had a great weekend! Cindy, I love the new pics of you! You look great!!! I bet you really enjoy that pool after a long hot run! Also I think it's fantastic that your siblings are joining you. I know that has to make you extra happy and motivated! Shawn, I hope that you had a safe trip! I bet that you had all kinds of fun! That is so exciting! Here is a pic of me from today. I hope that your week will be a gggreattttttttt one! Your buddy,
may 31 14
And this picture is for Nik & Keegan on their awesome run today! Blaze spent most of his day outside(his favorite place). He played with his water table, played in his pool,he even went down the slide head first into the pool. Then he rode his little bike and played with bubbles. Then a big storm hit and he was not happy but we had to come inside. He is already asleep for the night. He played hard today. It's been a good day.
mar 4 15
Hi Ms Cindy! Today turned out to be BEAUTIFUL after all. I finally got a day to go out and work on my walking. I did really good too! I had therapy at the farm today and we worked on animals signs. My teacher told my mom that I did very good today and that she is so very proud of me. I've missed the farm for the last three weeks due to weather and sickness, so my teacher was so surprised at how well I'm walking now. In the last 3 weeks I have doubled the distance I can walk
I hope you've had a wonderful day today too. Your buddy, Blazer

dec 9 14
Hi Cindy! My mom saw that you wrote me and posted a picture of your puppy dog with a Santa hat on, but she is not able to open the post for some reason. Anyhow, I hope you are doing well. I'm sorry we haven't posted in a few days, my mom is trying to finish up all of her fostering requirements before her yearly re-cert Thursday. She promises she will do better new week
I hope you are having a good week. Sending bear ((hugs)) across the mile ~Your buddy Blaze

nov 19 14
Thank you so much for all you do for our Blaze. He got his package of goodies today and he for sure got spoiled. You are so thoughtful. He LOVED all the surprises
He knew exactly what to do with the medals because as soon as he saw them he tried to put them around his neck. He wanted the shirt, hat, and gloves put on right away...on top of his pjs
Thank you seems so small for all you do but just know it comes from the heart when I say, "Thank you".

may 24 16
I hope you are having a good week so far! Here is a picture of me from today. No glasses because I've popped my lenses out again and mom can't find them anywhere...grrr She is not very happy with me. However, I am feeling much better. I am going to get tubes in my ears some time in the next few weeks. I am gong to have to have some other testing done and they ar...e going to try to coordinate that testing at the same time as the tubes so that I only have to be sedated once. Hopefully, my ears will stay cleared up until then. Ear aches are no fun! Cindy, I really like your shoes! I got new shoes too! I am getting new braces on the15th, so I had to get new shoes because my feet are growing. I am growing too! I started a new appetite med and I have gained almost 2 pounds in one month! Shawn,I am so happy to hear that you are getting better! That is for sure awesome news! Keep up the great job! Thank you both for being such a BLESSING in my life! Your buddy, Blaze
sept 15 16
Hi Cindy & Shawn! I just wanted to stop by and say hello. I hope your week is going great. We decided to take a trip to the beach. We are in Florida for a few days. It's been beautiful here! I love the ocean! I am not so crazy about the sand, it makes walking hard but other than that I love it here! I would stay in the ocean all day if my mom would let me. Here is a picture of me from today!
Your buddy, Blazer

july 27 15
Hi Buddies,
I hope you are having a great day! This morning I had PT at the farm and I did really good. I've been working on keeping my balance when standing still and working on turning to my left and right sides without turning my whole body...that seems to be my biggest struggle right now. My PT is so proud of the progress I've made this summer. My mom is too! It's been a tough summer and I've ...been pushed to my limit several times, but the progress has been amazing. After PT, we came home and I've spent the day playing with my foster brother. Mom let us play outside most of the day and we both got sooooooooo dirty. I love being outside, even though it's been really hot. I've been trying to run too...lol I seldom use my walker now except when I want to walk fast, run, or keep up with the other kids. I still fall all the time, but not as much as I use to. I haven't been very good about wearing my eye patch today but maybe tomorrow I'll do better. Well that's about it for today. I sure hope your week is off to a GREAT start! Thank you for being my buddy! ~Blaze
I hope you are having a great day! This morning I had PT at the farm and I did really good. I've been working on keeping my balance when standing still and working on turning to my left and right sides without turning my whole body...that seems to be my biggest struggle right now. My PT is so proud of the progress I've made this summer. My mom is too! It's been a tough summer and I've ...been pushed to my limit several times, but the progress has been amazing. After PT, we came home and I've spent the day playing with my foster brother. Mom let us play outside most of the day and we both got sooooooooo dirty. I love being outside, even though it's been really hot. I've been trying to run too...lol I seldom use my walker now except when I want to walk fast, run, or keep up with the other kids. I still fall all the time, but not as much as I use to. I haven't been very good about wearing my eye patch today but maybe tomorrow I'll do better. Well that's about it for today. I sure hope your week is off to a GREAT start! Thank you for being my buddy! ~Blaze
jun 5 14
Blaze just finished up his Thursday classes. He did awesome today! He played well with his teacher. They worked with kinetic sand again today and for the first time ever he put his feet in it! He is getting better every week with feeling / textures. Maybe this is going to help him so that when we take our vacation to the beach this summer, he won't get overwhelmed by all the sand. She also worked on some new signs with him today and he responded well by trying to sign back to her. She left him with a wonderful report. We are just soooooo proud of him! It's been a great day. I hope you are having a wonderful day too:)
may 18 15
It's my turn!!!! Here is my update for the day.
Today, I spent the day with my BIG sister Anna. She took really good care of me, while my mom went to my school for an IEP meeting. My teacher and my therapists told my mom that I am doing so good in preschool and that they are all so very proud of me. Mom said everyone that she met said that they just loved me and that I am such a sweet boy. It ...made my mom feel really good, as she has had a hard time sending me so far away to school. This is my last week! I only go to school 2 days this week and then I'm out for the summer! Woo hoo!!!! Well, that's about it. It's been a loooooong day and I'm one tired kid. Goodnight my friends! I hope tomorrow brings you a day full of happiness and lots of smiles
Your buddy, Blaze

jan 13 15
You are going to be so proud of me. I have worked VERY, VERY hard on walking today. My PT brought out a weighted vest for me to try out and I did really good with it, so she is going to get me my very own. After she left, I showed out for my mom and took lots of unassisted steps...NO walker or braces. I kinda still walk like a robot and I still really struggle with my balance, but my PT thinks the vest is going to help with that. I hope you like seeing me walk. One day I will run! You are my inspiration! Big ((hugs))~ Blaze
july 3 14
Hi Cindy! Today I'm having a super day! Mom showed me your superman picture. I like superman! Mom even let me wear my superman shirt today! I hope you like it. I also hope you are having a good day too. Thank you for being my buddy. I hope we are buddies forever and ever. Big ((hugs)) ~Super Blaze
feb 3 17
Just stopping by with a big HELLO! It's Friday!!!!!! How did your week go? Did you laugh a lot? I bet you did! I saw your friends on your picture and I can only imagine how fun they are. I am doing great! It's been a long week but a good one! I got all
faces on my sheets this week at school. That sure makes my mom proud! I also put a sentence together on my communication device, "I want to watch Paw Patrol". My SLP was so proud of me! So yes it's been a great week! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Big ((hugs)))~Blazer

july 15 14
Hi Cindy! Guess who is back up and walking? Me! Last week was was way to long. I couldn't go out and walk in my walker because I had to let my feet and legs heal, but I am all better now! I was so happy when mommy took me outside to walk yesterday. I tried hard to even run! I did really good in therapy too. My mom was so proud of me! I hope you have a great day today! Big ((HUGS))) ~Blaze
feb 2 16
Today I jumped for you! I've been working hard on jumping. It has been a beautiful day here and I sure enjoyed going outside to play. I hope your week is going just as great! Your buddy, Blazer
nov 26 14
Hi Cindy & Shawn! I hope you had a safe trip. I wanted to stop by and say "Happy Thanksgiving". I know it's a little early, but we will be super busy tomorrow. I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving with your family. Big ((hugs))~Blaze
aug 26 14
Hi Cindy! I just wanted to stop by and say "Good Morning!" I hope you enjoy your day
Today is the first down day we've had in a while, so I will get to stay home and PLAY all day!

oct 3 17
I can't wait! I just have to share the BIG NEWS!!!! I lost my very first tooth and I'm really excited about it!!!!! I lost it walking out the door to school this morning! Happy Tuesday!!!!
mar 4 16
Just some smiles to brighten your weekend
oct 25 14
I have one happy little boy! He was so excited that he got mail from his buddy! He LOVED all the goodies that she sent him. Blaze is one blessed kid to have a buddy like Cindy
Thank you so much

sept 18 14
Hi Ms Cindy! How did your day go? I hope it turned out wonderful. Today, I had a really good day. Mommy made me a hut to play in and I enjoyed climbing in it. I played all day long, because my teacher wasn't able to come today. No classes for me! I didn't mind though. I like having breaks every now and then. I don't have many days like this, so it was fun. Well, I have to go. It's bedtime. Have a good night! ~Blazer
dec 19 15
Thank you so much Ms Cindy! He was so excited when he saw that he had a package in the mail. He opened it all by himself, even the hot wheels. He really liked those and the m&ms as you can tell by his smile and his m&m covered mouth. His card was super cute and thank you for the gift card too!!! Thank you so much for thinking of him! Thank you for everything you are and for everything you do! You made his day! You are for sure a blessing.
nov 15 14
Congratulations to our runner Cindy on another great race!!! She didn't even let the weather stop her. It was in the 20s the am. We are so proud of her. Team Blaze rocks!!!!