Oh my! Where does the time go?!?! I have for sure been slacking around here. I love blogging. I'm NOT a good writer and I know that, but I still like to write. Kinda like I'm not a good singer, but I sure enjoy singing. I think of all kinds of things to blog about ...when I'm away from the computer...lol I have had tons to share and good intentions but before I know it another week has come and gone without a single post. (Insert sad face here)
Here are a few highlights from the last few weeks...
Our youngest grand Waylan turned ONE! He is such a sweet and laid back little boy. He is walking now and he is starting to talk. He had a cowboy birthday party surrounded by family and friends and he had such a great time. I'll post pics soon!
We have 2 new fosters. Our 33rd and 34th placement. They are siblings ages 6 months (girl) and 2 years (boy). It's one of the saddest cases that I've had so far, but both children are doing very well and adjusting way better than ever expected. We have nicknamed them "Little Jay" and "Dimples".
We have a lot going on in all 4 of our foster kids cases and I'd like to ask you all to pray for each of these children. Also, pray for us that we will be the foster parent these children need us to be. It's hard having 4 and my kids too. I have never had 4 foster kids at one time and did not plan to ever take 4. Once Justin moved to my daughter's and Curly Top moved to her cousins it left us with 2 openings. DFCS couldn't find a home to take these two ( after searching for several days), so I gave in and took them in. I don't think I'm going to be able to keep them both for very long. I hope a home comes available that can take them both and keep them together. They are such precious babies, but it's a lot of work with 5 under 5. Blaze has 5 therapies a week now, plus one day a week at the autism center and the new babies are also going to need lots of therapy. I just don't think I can do it. I'm just so busy with my amazing Blaze and he needs me now more than ever. Help me pray about it.

We enjoyed the 4th! I hope you did too. We thought it was going to be a rain out, but the sky cleared and the sun came out just in time! We enjoyed a cook out and fireworks at our house this year. The kids had a blast!
Well, that is all I have time for tonight. Dimples just woke up and she is ready to eat.
Have a great week!
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6