(Made from all recycled stuff found on the beach)
Our gang...
Blaze loved watching the boats!
Z had a blast! This was his very first
trip to the beach and he was so excited!
Our beach baby
He was walking on the beach!
Princess Tiny loved the beach too!
She wasn't scared at all and the sand didn't
even bother her. She was such a good baby.
My sweet boy :)
Our little Captain driving the boat.
He loved being on the boat.
Look really close at the picture below.
Yes, that's an alligator.
We actually counted 5 while out on the boat.
Z was not to excited about boating with alligators!
He kept saying,
"Can we go back to dry land now?"...lol
Playing in the park fountains.
My three babies...
A very neat little place...
The boys caught a shark.
We had a wonderful vacation!
Good times with good friends.
We can't wait to go back.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6