Sometimes, I wonder if he realizes
what he means to us.
Oh the joy he has added to our lives.
He is so very loved.
I just wonder sometimes if he knows
just how much he is loved by all of us.
I know that he loves us.
He shows it in his own special way.
He doesn't really like kisses or hugs
but he has his own unique way of
showing his feelings and love
through his touch, with his expressions, and with his eyes.
He has such beautiful eyes, but of course I'm a little
He bites his bottom lip when he is happy!
It's crazy, because I do that sometimes too.
He looks at the world closer than most people and he takes
his time and enjoys every single thing.
Even our dog seems to understand the specialness
Blaze has. He is extra special to all of us.
Sometimes, I wish I knew what he is thinking.
It's almost as if you can look in his eyes and see into his soul.
Sometimes, I think he sees angels.
What he is doing in this picture below, he does often.
He smiles at nothing that I can see,
It's probably my nanny up there in Heaven looking down :)
I know I've said it before but he really
is the most unique and amazing little individual
And the most determined to succeed.
When the world says, "He can't" and "He won't",
He says, "Oh yeah, just watch me".
And he does!
Sometimes, I have to pinch myself
to be sure it's not just a dream.
He is real. He is here. God chose us to be his family.
We are so blessed.
It's been almost a year since our adoption day and
It's been one of the best years of my life.
I have enjoyed every single day I've had
with my amazing little boy.
He has made me a better person
and taught me more than
anyone has ever taught me before,
just by being Blaze.
He is my favorite kind of WONDERFUL.
He sees beauty and goodness in everything and everyone.
I love that about him. Oh how I wish I could be that way.
What the world needs is more people just like him
He is my favorite SUPERHERO!
What an impact he has had on this world
and he is only two years old.
Imagine what he will grow up to be.
What ever it is, it will be BIG!

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6