Where have I been?
(Curly Top, Tiny, JK, and Blazer)
Can you say 4 two and under?
Do I need to say anything more?
And can you believe DFCS called me and asked
did I have room for more?!?
I've been on my toes that's for sure.
We have not had a dull moment since...
well, I can't remember when.
Those eyes... yep those.
They get me every time.

And that smile...
it belongs to my sweet little boy
who means the world to me.
How did we get so blessed?????
Did I mention we also celebrated a BIRTHDAY?!?!
Our Little Curly Top turned 2!
She has came a long ways in the 13 days she's been here. The first week was trying HARD! She talks very little and what she says I can't understand. She gets so frustrated that she just cries and screams and screams some more and did I mention this kid has lungs. She will be starting ST very soon. So far this week has gotten easier. It didn't help not knowing ANYTHING about her. I got her and for the first few days I only knew her name and that she was 2. Well, she was almost 2. Her family failed to tell us that she still sucked a bottle and passy and never took a sippy cup or that she is scared of baths and bedtime. So that just added to the upset. 5 sleepless nights later, I'm happy to say we survived and since we've made it this far, we won't go back. She doesn't take a bottle or passy anymore and she has mastered the sippy cup.
And for the most part her and Blazer get along.
Blazer prefers to play alone, but I think
having JK and Curly Top is good for him.
We met with the BOE on Blazer starting preK and I had no problems at all. They understood 100% why Blazer will be better off in a special needs/deaf pre-school. The special needs coordinator from Cave Springs along with our Babies Can't Wait coordinator joined me for the meeting, so I didn't have to go it alone (which was really nice).
He's my sunshine and I will do whatever it takes
to make his life easier and the best it can be.
Now a few more pics from the last few days...
Watch me swim MeMe!
This little girl is doing so good in preK
and she's about to start gymnastics next week.
I'm so proud of this kid!
And this one owns her MeMe's heart
My sweet Kay-Bug
I just bought a new computer. I'm still trying to figure it out and to get all of my stuff moved off of the old dinosaur one to this one. It took half a day just to get my blog to load and let me edit it. Not sure why my blog doesn't like the new computer....grrrr It loaded this time but it took over 30 minutes and several errors later....grrrrrrrrrr I'll figure it out.
Anyhow, that's all I have time for right now. Our CASA is about to arrive. I hope you have a great day!