My REAL world...Do you ever wonder what other people's lives "really" look like???
Well, here is just a small peep into my day.
Bless her heart, she really fell asleep by my desk,but MeMe didn't leave her there.
Yes, this is what my sink looked like this morning. It's not that I don't wash dishes. I wash constantly. It's just that my poor dishwasher just can't keep up, so often I end up washing half our daily dishes by hand. If you want to see a clean sink please visit between the hours of 7 PM and 6 AM any other time you will just have to excuse my mess...really.
What's new in our HOMEschool????
We started working on cursive writing this week. Jacob is really trying hard to get it.
Uh Oh!!!!!! Need I say more???? LOL
The messy playroom. No it's not always messy. It was actually clean when we went to bed lastnight. We will be working on this room over the next few weeks. So new pics and maybe a cleaner room coming
Yes our Snicker Doodle "Brookelyn" is a dare devil too. You can't take your eye off of her for one minute because this kid can climb.
Have you tried this???? It's a neat snack for toddlers and they LOVE it. It's also a full serving of fruit.
A Peep Into Our Family Room...
Bailey meets "Baby A". I think they are going to love each other. Bailey is a loving a child and always has been.
Sweet Baby Z....
Don't you just love baby fingers and toes. Really, is there anything sweeter????
I think everybody dig's this little boy.
Z is crawling, drooling, rolling, smiling, and eating like a little piggy. He loves splashing in the tub. He loves riding in the car and going in the stroller. Come to think of it, I haven't found anything he doesn't like. He is a go with the flow kind of kid and he loves to be loved on and I love that.
Jacob is one rough and tough boy ,but yet can be so gentle with the babies. He has a heart for our fosters. The other day I heard him telling Z that he wished he was his baby brother. Is that precious or what? He loves little babies just like his dad & I.
Our little cowgirl is here for the weekend. She was wearing Jon's hat and sporting a barbecue smile...we had wings for dinner. In this pic you can tell she is leaving the baby days behind and turning into a BIG girl.
She and I took a walk to the mailbox and along the way she picked some flowers.
and some weeds:)
We even spotted some Lady Slippers. We let them be. But,aren't they some odd looking flowers?
Mr Bubble, oh how we LOVE you!!!!
After the walk, it was time for bubbles!!! As in BUBBLE BATH!!!! Bay loves her bubbles. My favorite kind are Mr Bubble. They make me think of being a child and taking bubble baths at nanny's house. She always kept us bubbles. Isn't it funny how a certain smell can take you back to another place in time?
I saved the best pic for last. Why is this one so special? Because it's hubby holding foster baby "A". She is very scared of men ,but today she reached for Brent and let him hold her. He held her and she didn't even scream. It's was a special moment for sure.
Have a blessed night friends:)
A good quote I borrowed from my friend Patrish-
"God Blessed each one with the ability to adapt to anything life may throw your way ~ God Blessed us with the power of Self Respect which gives you what you need to learn from life lessons, those who do become wiser than those who choose to wallow in "Oh Why Me".

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart;and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him,and he will direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6