~As for me and my house we will serve the Lord ~ Joshua 24:15

Sep 30, 2024

These two have had a great season...

It's been a great season for these two. They both are so talented. Nomatter what they do, they always give it 100%. I'm so proud of them both! Meme loves you Justin and Aniston! 

Jon Boy's buck...

I'm so happy for my Jon Boy! He got him a big buck last week. I know his daddy would have been so proud.

Sep 28, 2024

Ada's first time playing soccer...

This is Ada's first year playing soccer and she is having a blast! She has made some sweet new friends and she's been making some sweet memories too. Today, she got the best sportsmanship star! I'm so proud of her! Keep letting that little light shine sweet girl! ❤️

Sep 14, 2024

So proud of my girl...

What an exciting day!
Anna competed in a singing competition at Waco Fest with some really talented contestants and she won first place. She also won it with a song that she wrote herself. She won 4 hours in a recording studio to record her songs and $500. I'm so proud of her! God blessed her with so much talent. She is an all around amazing person and just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. I'm so proud of you Anna! Keep on sharing the gifts that God gave you. I love you with all of my heart.

Sep 11, 2024

Surgery update on Blaze...

Before his VNS surgery... July 16. 2024

Back on July 16, Blaze got his epilepsy device implant (VNS). He did great during and after the surgery. Once his incisions healed up (one in his chest and one in his neck), we went back to CHOA to have the device turned on. Now we are going back to CHOA every 2 weeks to go up on the device settings. They have to go very slow because it can be pretty uncomfortable if they go to fast. We've had 2 adjustments so far. Blaze did not do well when they first turned it on but thankfully he has done better with this last adjustment. However, we are still at a very low setting so its not working well enough yet to stop/control seizures. 
Healing up nicely...
You can barely even see the incision in his neck now. The one in his chest runs under his arm so it took a little longer to heal. 

Two weeks ago, Blaze had a  day full of seizures. I used the magnet to swipe his device (to set it off) but it didn't stop his seizures. I think I swiped him about 6 -8 times over about a 30 minute period before administering rescue meds. He ended up needing to be taken by ambulance to our local hospital and then transferred to CHOA to be admitted. It was scary and I was sad that the device made no difference but the doctor assured me its only because the settings are so low. 

The thing I like about this device is it also keeps up with how many seizures he has between doctor visits. We went back last week to have it read. In a two week period, he had 95 seizures. I could not believe it. I think the VNS team and his doctor were just as surprised as I was. I was hesitant about getting the device but with numbers like I'm glad that we did. With time, those numbers should come down they say. Its just crazy because I only saw a few seizures other than the day that he was having them so bad so I believe that most of them must have been during the night which is so scary. 

Blaze has a condition called Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome.  Please keep him in your prayers. 

Sep 9, 2024

Two two cute birthday girl!

I want to wish this sassy, sweet, 
and so full of life little girl a very
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Maci Jo!
She might be the baby of our 
family but don't be fooled,
She is this boss and stands her ground.
I love you so much 
baby girl!
I hope that you enjoyed you special day!

Sep 5, 2024

Grits with my Grand...

Aniston's school had there Grits with Grands breakfast again this year and I sure enjoyed having breakfast with my sweet girl. 

Aug 31, 2024

Happy 14th Birthday Zachary...

I want to wish my boy a very happy birthday! Happy birthday Zachary! I hope that you enjoy your special day.
This kid had my heart from day one. He truly has been one of my biggest blessings in life. He is an all around awesome kid! I am so blessed that I get to be his mom. I love you son with all of my heart. 

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